I am an ordinary Japanese salaryman in his 50's.
The posts are mostly about my attempts at programming which I have taken up recently to maintain logical thinking.
And a bit about my travels around the country.
Planes & Halfspaces
Sweep and Prune [WIP]
p2 world
p2 sweep & prune
GJK, Part XX: Distance to Polygon
Closest Point to Polygon from Point
Test point inside Triangle
Closet Point on Triangle to Point
Closest Point to Segment
Computing Distance - Point vs Segment
GJK in Javascript, Part 2: Distance Between Polygons
Extending Box2D-Lite in Javascript: Clipping for Contact Points
Studying Box2D-Lite in Javascript, Part 5.4: Submerged Area of Circle
Douglas Peuker Algorithm
Particles and Rigid Body / Marching Squares & DPS
Marching Cube
Delaunay Triangulation
Rigid Body with Particles like Noita [WIP]
Collision Filtering