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Softbody Physics [WIP]


Updated: Apr 10, 2024

function CreateBall(x, y, radius, res) {

var offset = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI 2; i += Math.PI 2 / res) {

var cx = x + Math.cos(i) * radius;

var cy = y + Math.sin(i) * radius;

var point = new Point(cx, cy, 1);




var start = points.length - offset;

for (var i = start; i < points.length; i++) {

var p1 = points[i];

var p2 = points[i + 1] || points[start];

var spring = new Spring(p1, p2, Stiffness, Damping);




Point Object

class Point {

  constructor(x, y, mass) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.vx = 0;
    this.vy = 0;
    this.mass = mass;

  update(dt) {

    this.vx += gravity.x * dt;
    this.vy += gravity.y * dt;
    var minY = -5;
    var C = minY - this.y;
    if (C > 0) {
      var impulse = getConstraintImpulse([0, -1], [this.vx, this.vy], [this.mass, this.mass], C, 0.3, dt);
      this.vx += impulse[0] / this.mass;
      this.vy += impulse[1] / this.mass;
    this.x += this.vx * dt;
    this.y += this.vy * dt;
  render() {

    graphics.fillCircle(width / 2 + this.x * 25, height / 2 - this.y * 25, 3)


Spring Object

class Spring {

  constructor(a, b, stiffness, damping, len) {

    if (!a || !b) throw "A or B is null";
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
    this.stiffness = stiffness;
    this.damping = damping;
    this.len = len || Distance.getDistance(this.a.x, this.a.y, this.b.x, this.b.y); // natural length

  update(dt) {

    var distance = Distance.getDistance(this.a.x, this.a.y, this.b.x, this.b.y);
    var error = distance - this.len;
    var dirVector = Vec2.normalizeVector({x: this.a.x - this.b.x, y: this.a.y - this.b.y });
    var relativeVelocity = { x: this.a.vx - this.b.vx, y: this.a.vy - this.b.vy}

    var dampingScalar =, dirVector) * this.damping;
    var dampingForce = { x: dirVector.x * dampingScalar, y: dirVector.y * dampingScalar };
    this.a.vx += -(dirVector.x * error * this.stiffness + dampingForce.x) * 1;
    this.a.vy += -(dirVector.y * error * this.stiffness + dampingForce.y) * 1;
    this.b.vx += (dirVector.x * error * this.stiffness + dampingForce.x) * 1;
    this.b.vy += (dirVector.y * error * this.stiffness + dampingForce.y) * 1;


Constraint functions

function getConstraintImpulse(jacobian, velocities, masses, C, biasFactor, h) {

  var bias = biasFactor / h * C;

  var effectiveMass = getEffectiveMass(jacobian, masses);
  var lambda = getLambda(effectiveMass, jacobian, velocities, bias);

  var output = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
    output[i] = jacobian[i] * lambda;
  return output;


function getLambda(effectiveMass, jacobian, velocities, bias) {

  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
    sum += jacobian[i] * velocities[i];
  return -effectiveMass * (sum + bias);


function getEffectiveMass(jacobian, masses) {

  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
    sum += (jacobian[i] / masses[i]) * jacobian[i];
  return 1 / sum;

Main Loop

function update(t, dt) {

  for (var c = 0; c < 1; c += timeStep) {

    // calculate "Volume"
    var volume = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {
      var s = springs[i];
      var normal = Vec2.normalizeVector({x: s.b.y - s.a.y, y: s.a.x - s.b.x});
      volume += 0.5 * Math.abs(s.a.x - s.b.x) * Math.abs(normal.x) * Distance.getDistance(s.a.x, s.a.y, s.b.x, s.b.y);
    for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {
      var s = springs[i];
      s.update(1 / 60 * timeStep);
    for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {
      var s = springs[i];
      var pressure = Distance.getDistance(s.a.x, s.a.y, s.b.x, s.b.y) * Pressure * (1 / volume);
      var normal = Vec2.normalizeVector({x: s.b.y - s.a.y, y: s.a.x - s.b.x});
      var relativeVelocity = {x: s.a.vx - s.b.vx, y: s.a.vy - s.b.vy}
      var dampingScalar =, normal) * 0;
      var dampingForce = {x: normal.x * dampingScalar, y: normal.y * dampingScalar };
      s.a.vx += normal.x * pressure + dampingForce.x;
      s.a.vy += normal.y * pressure + dampingForce.y;
      s.b.vx += normal.x * pressure + dampingForce.x;
      s.b.vy += normal.y * pressure + dampingForce.y;
    for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
      var p = points[i];
      p.update(1 / 60 * timeStep);
  for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    var p = points[i];

var gc = new GameCanvas();

var gravity = {x: 0, y: -9.81};

var timeStep = 0.1;

var points = [];

var springs = [];

var Pressure = 0.2;

var PressureDamping = 0.1;

var Damping = 0.2;

var Stiffness = 1;

CreateBall(0, 0, 1, 30);


function loop() {


for (var c = 0; c < 1; c += timeStep) {

var volume = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {

var s = springs[i];

var normal = normalizeVector({

x: s.a.x - s.b.x,

y: s.a.y - s.b.y


normal = {x: -normal.y, y: normal.x};

volume += 0.5 Math.abs(s.a.x - s.b.x) Math.abs(normal.x) * getDistance(s.a.x, s.a.y, s.b.x, s.b.y);


for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {

var s = springs[i];

s.update(1 / 60 * timeStep);


for (var i = 0; i < springs.length; i++) {

var s = springs[i];

var pressure = getDistance(s.a.x, s.a.y, s.b.x, s.b.y) Pressure (1 / volume);

var normal = normalizeVector({

x: s.a.x - s.b.x,

y: s.a.y - s.b.y


normal = {x: -normal.y, y: normal.x};

var relativeVelocity = {

x: s.a.vx - s.b.vx,

y: s.a.vy - s.b.vy


var dampingScalar = dot(relativeVelocity, normal) * 0;

var dampingForce = {

x: normal.x * dampingScalar,

y: normal.y * dampingScalar


s.a.vx += normal.x * pressure + dampingForce.x;

s.a.vy += normal.y * pressure + dampingForce.y;

s.b.vx += normal.x * pressure + dampingForce.x;

s.b.vy += normal.y * pressure + dampingForce.y;


for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {

var p = points[i];

p.update(1 / 60 * timeStep);



for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {

var p = points[i];






Useful References (this blog gives a step by step guide on implementing a soft body pressure model)

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