#include "World.h"
namespace JellyPhysics
mMaterialCount = 1;
mMaterialPairs = new MaterialPair[1];
mDefaultMatPair.Friction = 0.3f;
mDefaultMatPair.Elasticity = 0.8f;
mDefaultMatPair.Collide = true;
mMaterialPairs[0] = mDefaultMatPair;
setWorldLimits(Vector2(-20,-20), Vector2(20,20));
mPenetrationThreshold = 0.3f;
mPenetrationCount = 0;
delete[] mMaterialPairs;
void World::killing()
// clear up all "VoidMarker" elements in the list...
if (mBodies.size() > 0)
Body::BodyBoundary* bb = &mBodies[0]->mBoundStart;
while (bb->prev)
bb = bb->prev;
while (bb)
if (bb->type == Body::BodyBoundary::VoidMarker)
// remove this one!
Body::BodyBoundary* theNext = bb->next;
delete bb;
bb = theNext;
bb = bb->next;
void World::setWorldLimits(const Vector2& min, const Vector2& max)
mWorldLimits = AABB(min, max);
mWorldSize = max - min;
mWorldGridStep = mWorldSize / 32;
// update bitmasks for all bodies.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
int World::addMaterial()
MaterialPair* old = new MaterialPair[mMaterialCount * mMaterialCount];
for (int i = 0; i < mMaterialCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mMaterialCount; j++)
old[(i*mMaterialCount)+j] = mMaterialPairs[(i*mMaterialCount)+j];
delete[] mMaterialPairs;
mMaterialPairs = new MaterialPair[mMaterialCount * mMaterialCount];
for (int i = 0; i < mMaterialCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mMaterialCount; j++)
if ((i < (mMaterialCount-1)) && (j < (mMaterialCount-1)))
mMaterialPairs[(i*mMaterialCount)+j] = old[(i*(mMaterialCount-1))+j];
mMaterialPairs[(i*mMaterialCount)+j] = mDefaultMatPair;
#ifdef _DEBUG
//printf("addMaterial - final results...\n");
delete[] old;
return mMaterialCount - 1;
void World::setMaterialPairCollide(int a, int b, bool collide)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//printf("setMaterialPairCollide: %d vs %d %s\n", a, b, (collide ? "ON" : "OFF"));
if ((a >= 0) && (a < mMaterialCount) && (b >= 0) && (b < mMaterialCount))
mMaterialPairs[(a*mMaterialCount)+b].Collide = collide;
mMaterialPairs[(b*mMaterialCount)+a].Collide = collide;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void World::setMaterialPairData(int a, int b, float friction, float elasticity)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//printf("setMaterialPairData: %d vs %d : f:%f e:%f\n", a, b, friction, elasticity);
if ((a >= 0) && (a < mMaterialCount) && (b >= 0) && (b < mMaterialCount))
mMaterialPairs[(a*mMaterialCount)+b].Friction = friction;
mMaterialPairs[(b*mMaterialCount)+a].Elasticity = elasticity;
mMaterialPairs[(a*mMaterialCount)+b].Friction = friction;
mMaterialPairs[(b*mMaterialCount)+a].Elasticity = elasticity;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void World::setMaterialPairFilterCallback(int a, int b, CollisionCallback* c)
if ((a >= 0) && (a < mMaterialCount) && (b >= 0) && (b < mMaterialCount))
mMaterialPairs[(a*mMaterialCount)+b].Callback = c;
mMaterialPairs[(b*mMaterialCount)+a].Callback = c;
void World::addBody( Body* b )
#ifdef _DEBUG
//printf("addBody: %d\n", b);
// check for already existing.
bool exists = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBodies.size(); i++)
if (mBodies[i] == b) { exists = true; break; }
if (!exists)
mBodies.push_back( b );
if (mBodies.size() > 1)
_addBoundaryAfter( &b->mBoundStart, &mBodies[0]->mBoundStart );
_addBoundaryAfter( &b->mBoundEnd, &b->mBoundStart );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void World::removeBody( Body* b )
#ifdef _DEBUG
//printf("removeBody: %d\n", b);
std::vector<Body*>::iterator it = mBodies.begin();
while (it != mBodies.end())
if ((*it) == b)
mBodies.erase( it );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void World::removeAllBodies()
Body* World::getBody(unsigned int index )
if ((index >= 0) && (index < mBodies.size()))
return mBodies[index];
return 0;
void World::getClosestPointMass( const Vector2& pt, int& bodyID, int& pmID )
bodyID = -1;
pmID = -1;
float closestD = 1000.0f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBodies.size(); i++)
float dist = 0.0f;
int pm = mBodies[i]->getClosestPointMass(pt, dist);
if (dist < closestD)
closestD = dist;
bodyID = i;
pmID = pm;
Vector2 World::getClosestBodyPointToBody(Body* body)
AABB bodyAABB = body->getAABB();
Vector2 pt = bodyAABB.getCenter();
Vector2 point;
float closestD = 1000.0f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBodies.size(); i++)
if (mBodies[i] != body && mBodies[i]->getIsStatic())
Vector2 norm, hitPt;
int pointA, pointB;
float edgeD;
float dist = mBodies[i]->getClosestPoint(pt, hitPt, norm, pointA, pointB, edgeD);
if (dist < closestD)
closestD = dist;
point = hitPt;
return point;
Body* World::getBodyContaining( const Vector2& pt )
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBodies.size(); i++)
if (mBodies[i]->contains(pt))
return mBodies[i];
return 0;
void World::update( float elapsed )
mPenetrationCount = 0;
// first, accumulate all forces acting on PointMasses.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->getIsStatic() || (*it)->getIgnoreMe()) { continue; }
// now integrate.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
//if ((*it)->getIsStatic()) { continue; }
// update all bounding boxes, and then bitmasks.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->getIsStatic() || (*it)->getIgnoreMe()) { continue; }
// sort body boundaries for broadphase collision checks
// now check for collision.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBodies.size(); i++)
Body* bA = mBodies[i];
if (bA->getIsStatic() || bA->getIgnoreMe())
for (int j = i + 1; j < mBodies.size(); j++)
_goNarrowCheck( mBodies[i], mBodies[j] );
Body::BodyBoundary* bS = &bA->mBoundStart;
Body::BodyBoundary* bE = &bA->mBoundEnd;
Body::BodyBoundary* cur = bS->next;
bool passedMyEnd = false;
while (cur)
if (cur == bE)
passedMyEnd = true;
else if ((cur->type == Body::BodyBoundary::Begin) && (!passedMyEnd))
// overlapping, do narrow-phase check on this body pair.
_goNarrowCheck(bA, cur->body);
else if (cur->type == Body::BodyBoundary::End)
// this is an end... the only situation in which we didn't already catch this body from its "begin",
// is if the begin of this body starts before our own begin.
if (cur->body->mBoundStart.value <= bS->value)
// overlapping, do narrow-phase check on this body pair.
_goNarrowCheck(bA, cur->body);
else if (cur->type == Body::BodyBoundary::VoidMarker)
cur = cur->next;
// now handle all collisions found during the update at once.
// now dampen velocities.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
//if ((*it)->getIsStatic()) { continue; }
void World::_goNarrowCheck( Body* bI, Body* bJ )
//printf("goNarrow %d vs. %d\n", bI, bJ);
// grid-based early out.
if ( /*((bI->mBitMaskX.mask & bJ->mBitMaskX.mask) == 0) && */
((bI->mBitMaskY.mask &bJ->mBitMaskY.mask) == 0))
//printf("update - no bitmask overlap.\n");
// early out - these bodies materials are set NOT to collide
if (!mMaterialPairs[(bI->getMaterial() * mMaterialCount) + bJ->getMaterial()].Collide)
//printf("update - material early out: %d vs. %d\n", mBodies[i]->getMaterial(), mBodies[j]->getMaterial());
// broad-phase collision via AABB.
const AABB& boxA = bI->getAABB();
const AABB& boxB = bJ->getAABB();
// early out
if (!boxA.intersects(boxB))
//printf("update - no AABB overlap.\n");
// okay, the AABB's of these 2 are intersecting. now check for collision of A against B.
bodyCollide(bI, bJ, mCollisionList);
// and the opposite case, B colliding with A
bodyCollide(bJ, bI, mCollisionList);
void World::updateBodyBitmask( Body* body )
AABB box = body->getAABB();
/*int minX = (int)floor((box.Min.X - mWorldLimits.Min.X) / mWorldGridStep.X);
int maxX = (int)floor((box.Max.X - mWorldLimits.Min.X) / mWorldGridStep.X);
if (minX < 0) { minX = 0; } else if (minX > 31) { minX = 31; }
if (maxX < 0) { maxX = 0; } else if (maxX > 31) { maxX = 31; }
int minY = (int)floor((box.Min.Y - mWorldLimits.Min.Y) / mWorldGridStep.Y);
int maxY = (int)floor((box.Max.Y - mWorldLimits.Min.Y) / mWorldGridStep.Y);
if (minY < 0) { minY = 0; } else if (minY > 31) { minY = 31; }
if (maxY < 0) { maxY = 0; } else if (maxY > 31) { maxY = 31; }
for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++)
for (int i = minY; i <= maxY; i++)
//Console.WriteLine("Body bitmask: minX{0} maxX{1} minY{2} maxY{3}", minX, maxX, minY, minY, maxY);
void World::sortBodyBoundaries()
// for every body in the list, update it's START end END.
for (BodyList::iterator it = mBodies.begin(); it != mBodies.end(); it++)
// start with START boundary.
_checkAndMoveBoundary( &(*it)->mBoundStart );
// and then END boundary.
_checkAndMoveBoundary( &(*it)->mBoundEnd );
// now go through and add / remove the "VOID" identifiers.
if (mBodies.size() > 0)
Body::BodyBoundary* bb = &mBodies[0]->mBoundStart;
while (bb->prev)
bb = bb->prev;
int stackCount = 0;
while (bb)
//printf("bb: ");
if (bb->type == Body::BodyBoundary::Begin)
//printf(" begin, stack inced to %d.", stackCount);
else if (bb->type == Body::BodyBoundary::End)
//printf(" end, stack deced to %d.", stackCount);
else if (bb->type == Body::BodyBoundary::VoidMarker)
if (stackCount != 0)
// this void marker should not be here.
Body::BodyBoundary* v = bb;
bb = bb->next;
delete v;
//printf(" VOID but stack != 0. deleted.\n");
// OK as-is
//printf(" VOID but stack is 0. continuing.\n");
bb = bb->next;
//printf(" | ");
if (stackCount == 0)
if (bb->next)
if (bb->next->type == Body::BodyBoundary::VoidMarker)
bb = bb->next->next;
//printf("next is VOID, so OK. skipping VOID...\n");
// no next, end of the array!
//printf("end of the array!\n");
// add a new void marker here!
Body::BodyBoundary* v = new Body::BodyBoundary( 0, Body::BodyBoundary::VoidMarker, bb->value + 0.000001f );
_addBoundaryAfter(v, bb);
bb = v->next;
//printf("stack is 0, adding VOID!\n");
bb = bb->next;
void World::_checkAndMoveBoundary( Body::BodyBoundary* bb )
// need to move backwards?
if (bb->prev)
if (bb->value < bb->prev->value)
Body::BodyBoundary* beforeThis = bb->prev;
while (true)
if (!beforeThis->prev)
if (bb->value < beforeThis->prev->value)
beforeThis = beforeThis->prev;
//printf("moving left: ");
//printf(" to before:");
_addBoundaryBefore(bb, beforeThis);
// moved, so we're done!
if (bb->next)
if (bb->value > bb->next->value)
Body::BodyBoundary* afterThis = bb->next;
while (true)
if (!afterThis->next)
if (bb->value > afterThis->next->value)
afterThis = afterThis->next;
//printf("moving right: ");
//printf(" to after:");
_addBoundaryAfter(bb, afterThis);
void World::bodyCollide( Body* bA, Body* bB, std::vector<BodyCollisionInfo>& infoList )
int bApmCount = bA->getPointMassCount();
int bBpmCount = bB->getPointMassCount();
AABB boxB = bB->getAABB();
// check all PointMasses on bodyA for collision against bodyB. if there is a collision, return detailed info.
BodyCollisionInfo infoAway;
BodyCollisionInfo infoSame;
for (int i = 0; i < bApmCount; i++)
Vector2 pt = bA->getPointMass(i)->Position;
// early out - if this point is outside the bounding box for bodyB, skip it!
if (!boxB.contains(pt))
//printf("bodyCollide - bodyB AABB does not contain pt\n");
// early out - if this point is not inside bodyB, skip it!
if (!bB->contains(pt))
//printf("bodyCollide - bodyB does not contain pt\n");
int prevPt = (i>0) ? i-1 : bApmCount-1;
int nextPt = (i < bApmCount - 1) ? i + 1 : 0;
Vector2 prev = bA->getPointMass(prevPt)->Position;
Vector2 next = bA->getPointMass(nextPt)->Position;
// now get the normal for this point. (NOT A UNIT VECTOR)
Vector2 fromPrev = pt - prev;
Vector2 toNext = next - pt;
Vector2 ptNorm = fromPrev + toNext;
// this point is inside the other body. now check if the edges on either side intersect with and edges on bodyB.
float closestAway = 100000.0f;
float closestSame = 100000.0f;
infoAway.bodyA = bA;
infoAway.bodyApm = i;
infoAway.bodyB = bB;
infoSame.bodyA = bA;
infoSame.bodyApm = i;
infoSame.bodyB = bB;
bool found = false;
int b1 = 0;
int b2 = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < bBpmCount; j++)
Vector2 hitPt;
Vector2 norm;
float edgeD;
b1 = j;
if (j < bBpmCount - 1)
b2 = j + 1;
b2 = 0;
//Vector2 pt1 = bB->getPointMass(b1)->Position;
//Vector2 pt2 = bB->getPointMass(b2)->Position;
// quick test of distance to each point on the edge, if both are greater than current mins, we can skip!
//float distToA = (pt1 - pt).lengthSquared();
//float distToB = (pt2 - pt).lengthSquared();
/*if ((distToA > closestAway) && (distToA > closestSame) && (distToB > closestAway) && (distToB > closestSame))
//printf("bodyCollide - not close enough\n");
// test against this edge.
float dist = bB->getClosestPointOnEdgeSquared(pt, j, hitPt, norm, edgeD);
//printf("bodyCollide - dist:%f\n", dist);
// only perform the check if the normal for this edge is facing AWAY from the point normal.
float dot = ptNorm.dotProduct(norm);
if (dot <= 0.0f)
if (dist < closestAway)
closestAway = dist;
infoAway.bodyBpmA = b1;
infoAway.bodyBpmB = b2;
infoAway.edgeD = edgeD;
infoAway.hitPt = hitPt;
infoAway.norm = norm;
infoAway.penetration = dist;
found = true;
//printf("bodyCollide - set away.\n");
if (dist < closestSame)
closestSame = dist;
infoSame.bodyBpmA = b1;
infoSame.bodyBpmB = b2;
infoSame.edgeD = edgeD;
infoSame.hitPt = hitPt;
infoSame.norm = norm;
infoSame.penetration = dist;
//printf("bodyCollide - set same\n");
// we've checked all edges on BodyB. add the collision info to the stack.
if ((found) && (closestAway > mPenetrationThreshold) && (closestSame < closestAway))
infoSame.penetration = (float)sqrt(infoSame.penetration);
//printf("bodyCollide - added same: penetration:%f\n", infoSame.penetration);
infoAway.penetration = (float)sqrt(infoAway.penetration);
//printf("bodyCollide - added away: penetration:%f\n", infoAway.penetration);
void World::_handleCollisions()
//printf("handleCollisions - count %d\n", mCollisionList.size());
// handle all collisions!
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mCollisionList.size(); i++)
BodyCollisionInfo info = mCollisionList[i];
PointMass* A = info.bodyA->getPointMass(info.bodyApm);
PointMass* B1 = info.bodyB->getPointMass(info.bodyBpmA);
PointMass* B2 = info.bodyB->getPointMass(info.bodyBpmB);
// velocity changes as a result of collision.
Vector2 bVel = (B1->Velocity + B2->Velocity) * 0.5f;
Vector2 relVel = A->Velocity - bVel;
float relDot = relVel.dotProduct(info.norm);
//printf("handleCollisions - relVel:[x:%f][y:%f] relDot:%f\n",
// relVel.X, relVel.Y, relDot);
// collision filter!
//if (!mMaterialPairs[info.bodyA.Material, info.bodyB.Material].CollisionFilter(info.bodyA, info.bodyApm, info.bodyB, info.bodyBpmA, info.bodyBpmB, info.hitPt, relDot))
// continue;
CollisionCallback* cf = mMaterialPairs[(info.bodyA->getMaterial() * mMaterialCount) + info.bodyB->getMaterial()].Callback;
if (cf)
if (!cf->collisionFilter(info.bodyA, info.bodyApm, info.bodyB, info.bodyBpmA, info.bodyBpmB, info.hitPt, relDot))
if (info.penetration > mPenetrationThreshold)
//Console.WriteLine("penetration above Penetration Threshold!! penetration={0} threshold={1} difference={2}",
// info.penetration, mPenetrationThreshold, info.penetration-mPenetrationThreshold);
//printf("handleCollisions - penetration above threshold! threshold:%f penetration:%f diff:%f\n",
// mPenetrationThreshold, info.penetration, info.penetration - mPenetrationThreshold);
float b1inf = 1.0f - info.edgeD;
float b2inf = info.edgeD;
float b2MassSum = ((B1->Mass == 0.0f) || (B2->Mass == 0.0f)) ? 0.0f : (B1->Mass + B2->Mass);
float massSum = A->Mass + b2MassSum;
float Amove;
float Bmove;
if (A->Mass == 0.0f)
Amove = 0.0f;
Bmove = (info.penetration) + 0.001f;
else if (b2MassSum == 0.0f)
Amove = (info.penetration) + 0.001f;
Bmove = 0.0f;
Amove = (info.penetration * (b2MassSum / massSum));
Bmove = (info.penetration * (A->Mass / massSum));
float B1move = Bmove * b1inf;
float B2move = Bmove * b2inf;
//printf("handleCollisions - Amove:%f B1move:%f B2move:%f\n",
// Amove, B1move, B2move)
if (A->Mass != 0.0f)
A->Position += info.norm * Amove;
if (B1->Mass != 0.0f)
B1->Position -= info.norm * B1move;
if (B2->Mass != 0.0f)
B2->Position -= info.norm * B2move;
float AinvMass = (A->Mass == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / A->Mass;
float BinvMass = (b2MassSum == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / b2MassSum;
float jDenom = AinvMass + BinvMass;
float elas = 1.0f + mMaterialPairs[(info.bodyA->getMaterial() * mMaterialCount) + info.bodyB->getMaterial()].Elasticity;
Vector2 numV = relVel * elas;
float jNumerator = numV.dotProduct(info.norm);
jNumerator = -jNumerator;
float j = jNumerator / jDenom;
Vector2 tangent = info.norm.getPerpendicular();
float friction = mMaterialPairs[(info.bodyA->getMaterial() * mMaterialCount) + info.bodyB->getMaterial()].Friction;
float fNumerator = relVel.dotProduct(tangent);
fNumerator *= friction;
float f = fNumerator / jDenom;
// adjust velocity if relative velocity is moving toward each other.
if (relDot <= 0.0001f)
if (A->Mass != 0.0f)
A->Velocity += (info.norm * (j / A->Mass)) - (tangent * (f / A->Mass));
if (b2MassSum != 0.0f)
B1->Velocity -= (info.norm * (j / b2MassSum) * b1inf) - (tangent * (f / b2MassSum) * b1inf);
if (b2MassSum != 0.0f)
B2->Velocity -= (info.norm * (j / b2MassSum) * b2inf) - (tangent * (f / b2MassSum) * b2inf);
void World::_removeBoundary( Body::BodyBoundary* me )
if (me->prev)
me->prev->next = me->next;
if (me->next)
me->next->prev = me->prev;
void World::_addBoundaryAfter( Body::BodyBoundary* me, Body::BodyBoundary* toAfterMe )
me->next = toAfterMe->next;
toAfterMe->next = me;
if (me->next)
me->next->prev = me;
me->prev = toAfterMe;
void World::_addBoundaryBefore( Body::BodyBoundary* me, Body::BodyBoundary* toBeforeMe )
me->prev = toBeforeMe->prev;
toBeforeMe->prev = me;
if (me->prev)
me->prev->next = me;
me->next = toBeforeMe;
void World::_logBoundaries()
// first, find the "first" boundary in the list...
if (mBodies.size() == 0)
Body::BodyBoundary* bb = &mBodies[0]->mBoundStart;
while (bb->prev)
bb = bb->prev;
while (bb)
bb = bb->next;
void World::_logMaterialCollide()