// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Erin Catto
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct s2Body s2Body;
typedef struct s2Contact s2Contact;
typedef struct s2StepContext s2StepContext;
typedef struct s2World s2World;
typedef struct s2StepContext
float dt;
float inv_dt;
float h;
float inv_h;
int32_t iterations;
int32_t extraIterations;
s2Body* bodies;
int32_t bodyCapacity;
bool warmStart;
} s2StepContext;
typedef struct s2ContactConstraintPoint
// initial anchor vectors in world space
s2Vec2 rA0, rB0;
// local anchor relative center of mass
s2Vec2 localAnchorA, localAnchorB;
s2Vec2 localFrictionAnchorA, localFrictionAnchorB;
float tangentSeparation;
float separation;
float adjustedSeparation;
float normalImpulse;
float tangentImpulse;
float normalMass;
float tangentMass;
float massCoefficient;
float biasCoefficient;
float impulseCoefficient;
bool frictionValid;
} s2ContactConstraintPoint;
typedef struct s2ContactConstraint
s2Contact* contact;
int indexA;
int indexB;
s2ContactConstraintPoint points[2];
s2Vec2 normal;
float friction;
int pointCount;
} s2ContactConstraint;
// common
void s2IntegrateVelocities(s2World* world, float h);
void s2IntegratePositions(s2World* world, float h);
void s2FinalizePositions(s2World* world);
void s2PrepareContacts_PGS(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount, bool warmStart);
void s2PrepareContacts_Soft(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount, s2StepContext* context,
float h, float hertz);
void s2WarmStartContacts(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount);
void s2SolveContact_NGS(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount);
void s2StoreContactImpulses(s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount);
// many solvers
void s2Solve_PGS_NGS_Block(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_PGS_NGS(s2World* world, s2StepContext* context);
void s2Solve_PGS_Soft(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_XPBD(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_TGS_Soft(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_TGS_Sticky(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_TGS_NGS(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
void s2Solve_PGS(s2World* world, s2StepContext* stepContext);
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Erin Catto
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "body.h"
#include "contact.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "joint.h"
#include "solvers.h"
#include "stack_allocator.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "solver2d/aabb.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
static void s2PrepareContacts_XPBD(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount)
s2Body* bodies = world->bodies;
for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
s2ContactConstraint* constraint = constraints + i;
s2Contact* contact = constraint->contact;
const s2Manifold* manifold = &contact->manifold;
int pointCount = manifold->pointCount;
S2_ASSERT(0 < pointCount && pointCount <= 2);
int indexA = contact->edges[0].bodyIndex;
int indexB = contact->edges[1].bodyIndex;
constraint->indexA = indexA;
constraint->indexB = indexB;
constraint->normal = manifold->normal;
constraint->friction = contact->friction;
constraint->pointCount = pointCount;
s2Body* bodyA = bodies + indexA;
s2Body* bodyB = bodies + indexB;
float mA = bodyA->invMass;
float iA = bodyA->invI;
float mB = bodyB->invMass;
float iB = bodyB->invI;
s2Rot qA = bodyA->rot;
s2Rot qB = bodyB->rot;
s2Vec2 normal = constraint->normal;
s2Vec2 tangent = s2RightPerp(normal);
for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
const s2ManifoldPoint* mp = manifold->points + j;
s2ContactConstraintPoint* cp = constraint->points + j;
cp->normalImpulse = 0.0f;
cp->tangentImpulse = 0.0f;
cp->localAnchorA = s2Sub(mp->localAnchorA, bodyA->localCenter);
cp->localAnchorB = s2Sub(mp->localAnchorB, bodyB->localCenter);
s2Vec2 rA = s2RotateVector(qA, cp->localAnchorA);
s2Vec2 rB = s2RotateVector(qB, cp->localAnchorB);
cp->rA0 = rA;
cp->rB0 = rB;
cp->separation = mp->separation;
cp->adjustedSeparation = mp->separation - s2Dot(s2Sub(rB, rA), normal);
cp->biasCoefficient = 0.0f;
// todo perhaps re-use effective mass across substeps
float rtA = s2Cross(rA, tangent);
float rtB = s2Cross(rB, tangent);
float kTangent = mA + mB + iA * rtA * rtA + iB * rtB * rtB;
cp->tangentMass = kTangent > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kTangent : 0.0f;
float rnA = s2Cross(rA, normal);
float rnB = s2Cross(rB, normal);
float kNormal = mA + mB + iA * rnA * rnA + iB * rnB * rnB;
cp->normalMass = kNormal > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kNormal : 0.0f;
static void s2SolveContactPositions_XPBD(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount, float h)
s2Body* bodies = world->bodies;
float inv_h = h > 0.0f ? 1.0f / h : 0.0f;
// compliance because contacts are too energetic otherwise
// float baseCompliance = 0.00001f * inv_h* inv_h;
// but the rush sample has too much overlap ...
float baseCompliance = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
s2ContactConstraint* constraint = constraints + i;
s2Body* bodyA = bodies + constraint->indexA;
s2Body* bodyB = bodies + constraint->indexB;
float mA = bodyA->invMass;
float iA = bodyA->invI;
float mB = bodyB->invMass;
float iB = bodyB->invI;
int pointCount = constraint->pointCount;
float compliance = (mA == 0.0f || mB == 0.0f) ? 0.25f * baseCompliance : baseCompliance;
s2Vec2 dcA = bodyA->deltaPosition;
s2Rot qA = bodyA->rot;
s2Vec2 dcB = bodyB->deltaPosition;
s2Rot qB = bodyB->rot;
s2Vec2 normal = constraint->normal;
s2Vec2 tangent = s2CrossVS(normal, 1.0f);
// non-penetration constraints
for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
s2ContactConstraintPoint* cp = constraint->points + j;
s2Vec2 rA = s2RotateVector(qA, cp->localAnchorA);
s2Vec2 rB = s2RotateVector(qB, cp->localAnchorB);
s2Vec2 drA = s2Sub(rA, cp->rA0);
s2Vec2 drB = s2Sub(rB, cp->rB0);
// change in separation
s2Vec2 ds = s2Add(s2Sub(dcB, dcA), s2Sub(drB, drA));
float C = s2Dot(ds, normal) + cp->separation;
if (C > 0)
cp->normalImpulse = 0.0f;
// this clamping is not in the paper, but it is used in other solvers
C = S2_MAX(-s2_maxBaumgarteVelocity * h, C);
float rnA = s2Cross(rA, normal);
float rnB = s2Cross(rB, normal);
// w1 and w2 in paper
float kA = mA + iA * rnA * rnA;
float kB = mB + iB * rnB * rnB;
// lambda has units of Mass * Length
float lambda = -C / (kA + kB + compliance);
cp->normalImpulse = lambda;
s2Vec2 P = s2MulSV(lambda, normal);
dcA = s2MulSub(dcA, mA, P);
qA = s2IntegrateRot(qA, -iA * s2Cross(rA, P));
dcB = s2MulAdd(dcB, mB, P);
qB = s2IntegrateRot(qB, iB * s2Cross(rB, P));
// static friction constraints
float friction = constraint->friction;
for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
s2ContactConstraintPoint* cp = constraint->points + j;
s2Vec2 rA = s2RotateVector(qA, cp->localAnchorA);
s2Vec2 rB = s2RotateVector(qB, cp->localAnchorB);
s2Vec2 drA = s2Sub(rA, cp->rA0);
s2Vec2 drB = s2Sub(rB, cp->rB0);
// tangent separation
s2Vec2 dp = s2Add(s2Sub(dcB, dcA), s2Sub(drB, drA));
float C = s2Dot(dp, tangent);
float rtA = s2Cross(rA, tangent);
float rtB = s2Cross(rB, tangent);
// w1 and w2 in paper
float kA = mA + iA * rtA * rtA;
float kB = mB + iB * rtB * rtB;
float lambda = -C / (kA + kB);
float maxLambda = friction * cp->normalImpulse;
#if 1
if (lambda < -maxLambda || maxLambda < lambda)
cp->tangentImpulse = 0.0f;
// this seems to behave better, but does not follow the paper
lambda = S2_CLAMP(lambda, -maxLambda, maxLambda);
cp->tangentImpulse = lambda;
s2Vec2 P = s2MulSV(lambda, tangent);
dcA = s2MulSub(dcA, mA, P);
qA = s2IntegrateRot(qA, -iA * s2Cross(rA, P));
dcB = s2MulAdd(dcB, mB, P);
qB = s2IntegrateRot(qB, iB * s2Cross(rB, P));
bodyA->deltaPosition = dcA;
bodyA->rot = qA;
bodyB->deltaPosition = dcB;
bodyB->rot = qB;
static void s2SolveContactVelocities_XPBD(s2World* world, s2ContactConstraint* constraints, int constraintCount, float h)
s2Body* bodies = world->bodies;
float threshold = 2.0f * s2Length(world->gravity) * h;
float inv_h = h > 0.0f ? 1.0f / h : 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
s2ContactConstraint* constraint = constraints + i;
s2Body* bodyA = bodies + constraint->indexA;
s2Body* bodyB = bodies + constraint->indexB;
float mA = bodyA->invMass;
float iA = bodyA->invI;
float mB = bodyB->invMass;
float iB = bodyB->invI;
int pointCount = constraint->pointCount;
s2Rot qA = bodyA->rot;
s2Rot qB = bodyB->rot;
s2Vec2 vA = bodyA->linearVelocity;
float wA = bodyA->angularVelocity;
s2Vec2 vB = bodyB->linearVelocity;
float wB = bodyB->angularVelocity;
s2Vec2 normal = constraint->normal;
s2Vec2 tangent = s2CrossVS(normal, 1.0f);
float friction = constraint->friction;
// relax non-penetration
for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
s2ContactConstraintPoint* cp = constraint->points + j;
if (cp->normalImpulse == 0.0f)
s2Vec2 rA = s2RotateVector(qA, cp->localAnchorA);
s2Vec2 rB = s2RotateVector(qB, cp->localAnchorB);
// Relative velocity at contact
s2Vec2 vrB = s2Add(vB, s2CrossSV(wB, rB));
s2Vec2 vrA = s2Add(vA, s2CrossSV(wA, rA));
s2Vec2 dv = s2Sub(vrB, vrA);
float rnA = s2Cross(rA, normal);
float rnB = s2Cross(rB, normal);
// w1 and w2 in paper
float kA = mA + iA * rnA * rnA;
float kB = mB + iB * rnB * rnB;
float vn = s2Dot(dv, normal);
float Cdot = vn;
float lambda = -Cdot / (kA + kB);
s2Vec2 P = s2MulSV(lambda, normal);
vA = s2MulSub(vA, mA, P);
wA -= iA * s2Cross(rA, P);
vB = s2MulAdd(vB, mB, P);
wB += iB * s2Cross(rB, P);
// kinetic friction
for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
s2ContactConstraintPoint* cp = constraint->points + j;
s2Vec2 rA = s2RotateVector(qA, cp->localAnchorA);
s2Vec2 rB = s2RotateVector(qB, cp->localAnchorB);
// Relative velocity at contact
s2Vec2 vrB = s2Add(vB, s2CrossSV(wB, rB));
s2Vec2 vrA = s2Add(vA, s2CrossSV(wA, rA));
s2Vec2 dv = s2Sub(vrB, vrA);
// Compute tangent force
float vt = s2Dot(dv, tangent);
if (vt == 0.0f)
float rtA = s2Cross(rA, tangent);
float rtB = s2Cross(rB, tangent);
// w1 and w2 in paper
float kA = mA + iA * rtA * rtA;
float kB = mB + iB * rtB * rtB;
// eq 31
float maxFrictionImpulse = friction * cp->normalImpulse;
// Length / Time (this is wrong in the paper, fixed here)
float huf = (maxFrictionImpulse * inv_h) * (kA + kB);
// Length / Time
float abs_vt = S2_ABS(vt);
float Cdot = (vt / abs_vt) * S2_MIN(huf, abs_vt);
float lambda = -Cdot / (kA + kB);
cp->tangentImpulse = lambda;
s2Vec2 P = s2MulSV(lambda, tangent);
vA = s2MulSub(vA, mA, P);
wA -= iA * s2Cross(rA, P);
vB = s2MulAdd(vB, mB, P);
wB += iB * s2Cross(rB, P);
bodyA->linearVelocity = vA;
bodyA->angularVelocity = wA;
bodyB->linearVelocity = vB;
bodyB->angularVelocity = wB;
// Detailed Rigid Body Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics, 2020
// Matthias M�ller, Miles Macklin, Nuttapong Chentanez, Stefan Jeschke, Tae-Yong Kim
void s2Solve_XPBD(s2World* world, s2StepContext* context)
int substepCount = context->iterations;
if (substepCount == 0)
if (context->dt == 0.0f)
s2Contact* contacts = world->contacts;
int contactCapacity = world->contactPool.capacity;
s2Joint* joints = world->joints;
int jointCapacity = world->jointPool.capacity;
s2ContactConstraint* constraints =
s2AllocateStackItem(world->stackAllocator, contactCapacity * sizeof(s2ContactConstraint), "constraint");
int constraintCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < contactCapacity; ++i)
s2Contact* contact = contacts + i;
if (s2IsFree(&contact->object))
if (contact->manifold.pointCount == 0)
constraints[constraintCount].contact = contact;
constraints[constraintCount].contact->manifold.constraintIndex = constraintCount;
constraintCount += 1;
// Loops
// body: 1 + 2 * substepCount
// constraint: 2 + 2 * substepCount
// constraint loop
s2PrepareContacts_XPBD(world, constraints, constraintCount);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCapacity; ++i)
s2Joint* joint = joints + i;
if (s2IsFree(&joint->object))
s2PrepareJoint_XPBD(joint, context);
float h = context->dt / substepCount;
float inv_h = 1.0f / h;
s2Body* bodies = world->bodies;
int bodyCapacity = world->bodyPool.capacity;
s2Vec2 gravity = world->gravity;
// body 2 * substepCount
// constraint 2 * substepCount
for (int substep = 0; substep < substepCount; ++substep)
// Integrate velocities and positions
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCapacity; ++i)
s2Body* body = bodies + i;
if (s2IsFree(&body->object))
if (body->type == s2_staticBody)
float invMass = body->invMass;
float invI = body->invI;
s2Vec2 v = body->linearVelocity;
float w = body->angularVelocity;
// integrate velocities
v = s2Add(v, s2MulSV(h * invMass, s2MulAdd(body->force, body->mass * body->gravityScale, gravity)));
w = w + h * invI * body->torque;
// damping
v = s2MulSV(1.0f / (1.0f + h * body->linearDamping), v);
w *= 1.0f / (1.0f + h * body->angularDamping);
body->linearVelocity = v;
body->angularVelocity = w;
// store previous rotation
body->rot0 = body->rot;
// integrate positions
// this is unique to XPBD, no other solvers update position immediately
body->deltaPosition0 = body->deltaPosition;
body->deltaPosition = s2MulAdd(body->deltaPosition, h, v);
body->rot = s2IntegrateRot(body->rot, h * w);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCapacity; ++i)
s2Joint* joint = joints + i;
if (s2IsFree(&joint->object))
s2SolveJoint_XPBD(joint, context, inv_h);
s2SolveContactPositions_XPBD(world, constraints, constraintCount, h);
// Project velocities
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCapacity; ++i)
s2Body* body = bodies + i;
if (s2IsFree(&body->object))
if (body->type != s2_dynamicBody)
body->linearVelocity0 = body->linearVelocity;
body->angularVelocity0 = body->angularVelocity;
body->linearVelocity = s2MulSV(inv_h, s2Sub(body->deltaPosition, body->deltaPosition0));
if (s2Length(body->linearVelocity) > 10.0f)
body->linearVelocity.x += 0.0f;
body->angularVelocity = s2ComputeAngularVelocity(body->rot0, body->rot, inv_h);
// Relax contact velocities
s2SolveContactVelocities_XPBD(world, constraints, constraintCount, h);
// Finalize body position
// body loop
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCapacity; ++i)
s2Body* body = bodies + i;
if (s2IsFree(&body->object))
if (body->type != s2_dynamicBody)
body->position = s2Add(body->position, body->deltaPosition);
body->deltaPosition = s2Vec2_zero;
// warm starting is not used, this is just for reporting
// constraint loop
for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
s2ContactConstraint* constraint = constraints + i;
s2Contact* contact = constraint->contact;
s2Manifold* manifold = &contact->manifold;
for (int j = 0; j < constraint->pointCount; ++j)
manifold->points[j].normalImpulse = constraint->points[j].normalImpulse * inv_h;
manifold->points[j].tangentImpulse = constraint->points[j].tangentImpulse * inv_h;
s2FreeStackItem(world->stackAllocator, constraints);