#include "Body.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "VectorTools.h"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace JellyPhysics
void Body::BodyBoundary::log()
//printf("%s(%d)[%4.2f] |", ((type == Begin) ? "B" : ((type == End) ? "E" : "V")), body, value);
Body::Body( World* w )
mWorld = w;
mScale = Vector2::One;
mIsStatic = false;
mKinematic = false;
mVelDamping = 0.999f;
mObjectTag = NULL;
mMaterial = 0;
mPointCount = 0;
mInvPC = 0.0f;
mBoundStart.body = this;
mBoundEnd.body = this;
mBoundEnd.type = BodyBoundary::End;
mIgnoreMe = false;
mDisable = false;
w->addBody( this );
Body::Body( World* w, const ClosedShape& shape, float massPerPoint, Vector2 position, float angleInRadians, Vector2 scale, bool kinematic)
mWorld = w;
mDerivedPos = position;
mDerivedAngle = angleInRadians;
mLastAngle = mDerivedAngle;
mScale = scale;
mMaterial = 0;
mPointCount = 0;
mInvPC = 0.0f;
mIsStatic = (massPerPoint == 0.0f);
mKinematic = kinematic;
mVelDamping = 0.999f;
mObjectTag = NULL;
mBoundStart.body = this;
mBoundEnd.body = this;
mBoundEnd.type = BodyBoundary::End;
mIgnoreMe = false;
mDisable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
mPointMasses[i].Mass = massPerPoint;
updateAABB(0.0f, true);
w->addBody( this );
Body::Body( World* w, const ClosedShape& shape, std::vector<float> pointMasses, Vector2 position, float angleInRadians, Vector2 scale, bool kinematic)
mWorld = w;
mDerivedPos = position;
mDerivedAngle = angleInRadians;
mLastAngle = mDerivedAngle;
mScale = scale;
mMaterial = 0;
mPointCount = 0;
mInvPC = 0.0f;
mIsStatic = false;
mKinematic = kinematic;
mVelDamping = 0.999f;
mObjectTag = NULL;
mBoundStart.body = this;
mBoundEnd.body = this;
mBoundEnd.type = BodyBoundary::End;
mIgnoreMe = false;
mDisable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
mPointMasses[i].Mass = pointMasses[i];
updateAABB(0.0f, true);
w->addBody( this );
void Body::setShape(ClosedShape shape)
mBaseShape = shape;
if (mBaseShape.getVertices().size() != mPointCount)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shape.getVertices().size(); i++)
mGlobalShape.push_back( Vector2::Zero );
mBaseShape.transformVertices(mDerivedPos, mDerivedAngle, mScale, mGlobalShape);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBaseShape.getVertices().size(); i++)
mPointMasses.push_back(PointMass(0.0f, mGlobalShape[i]));
EdgeInfo e;
e.dir = Vector2::Zero;
e.length = 0.0f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBaseShape.getVertices().size(); i++)
mPointCount = mPointMasses.size();
mInvPC = 1.0f / mPointCount;
updateAABB(0.0f, true);
void Body::setMassAll(float mass)
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
mPointMasses[i].Mass = mass;
if (mass == 0.0f) { mIsStatic = true; }
void Body::setMassIndividual( int index, float mass )
if ((index >= 0) && (index < mPointCount))
mPointMasses[index].Mass = mass;
void Body::setMassFromList( std::vector<float> masses )
if (masses.size() == mPointCount)
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
mPointMasses[i].Mass = masses[i];
void Body::setPositionAngle( const Vector2& pos, float angleInRadians, const Vector2& scale )
mBaseShape.transformVertices(pos, angleInRadians, scale, mGlobalShape);
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
mPointMasses[i].Position = mGlobalShape[i];
mDerivedPos = pos;
mDerivedAngle = angleInRadians;
void Body::derivePositionAndAngle(float elapsed)
// no need it this is a static body, or kinematically controlled.
if (mIsStatic || mKinematic)
// if we are being ignored, be ignored!
if (mIgnoreMe)
// find the geometric center.
Vector2 center = Vector2::Zero;
Vector2 vel = Vector2::Zero;
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
center += (*it).Position;
vel += (*it).Velocity;
center *= mInvPC;
vel *= mInvPC;
mDerivedPos = center;
mDerivedVel = vel;
// find the average angle of all of the masses.
float angle = 0;
int originalSign = 1;
float originalAngle = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
Vector2 baseNorm = mBaseShape.getVertices()[i];
Vector2 curNorm = mPointMasses[i].Position - mDerivedPos;
float dot = baseNorm.dotProduct(curNorm);
if (dot > 1.0f) { dot = 1.0f; }
if (dot < -1.0f) { dot = -1.0f; }
float thisAngle = (float)acos(dot);
if (!JellyPhysics::VectorTools::isCCW(baseNorm, curNorm)) { thisAngle = -thisAngle; }
if (i == 0)
originalSign = (thisAngle >= 0.0f) ? 1 : -1;
originalAngle = thisAngle;
float diff = (thisAngle - originalAngle);
int thisSign = (thisAngle >= 0.0f) ? 1 : -1;
if ((absf(diff) > PI) && (thisSign != originalSign))
thisAngle = (thisSign == -1) ? ((float)PI + ((float)PI + thisAngle)) : (((float)PI - thisAngle) - (float)PI);
angle += thisAngle;
angle *= mInvPC;
mDerivedAngle = angle;
// now calculate the derived Omega, based on change in angle over time.
float angleChange = (mDerivedAngle - mLastAngle);
if (absf(angleChange) >= PI)
if (angleChange < 0.0f)
angleChange = angleChange + TWO_PI;
angleChange = angleChange - TWO_PI;
mDerivedOmega = angleChange / elapsed;
mLastAngle = mDerivedAngle;
void Body::integrate( float elapsed )
if (mIsStatic || mIgnoreMe) { return; }
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
void Body::dampenVelocity()
if (mIsStatic || mIgnoreMe) { return; }
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
(*it).Velocity *= mVelDamping;
void Body::updateAABB(float elapsed, bool forceUpdate)
if (((!mIsStatic) && (!mIgnoreMe)) || (forceUpdate))
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
Vector2 p = (*it).Position;
// expanding for velocity only makes sense for dynamic objects.
if (!mIsStatic)
p += (*it).Velocity * elapsed;
//printf("Body: %d AABB: min[%f][%f] max[%f][%f]\n", this, mAABB.Min.X, mAABB.Min.Y, mAABB.Max.X, mAABB.Max.Y);
void Body::updateBoundaryValues(bool forceUpdate)
if (((!mIsStatic) && (!mIgnoreMe)) || (forceUpdate))
mBoundStart.value = mAABB.Min.X;
mBoundEnd.value = mAABB.Max.X;
void Body::updateEdgeInfo(bool forceUpdate)
if (((!mIsStatic) && (!mIgnoreMe)) || (forceUpdate))
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
int j = (i < (mPointCount-1)) ? i+1 : 0;
Vector2 e = mPointMasses[j].Position - mPointMasses[i].Position;
mEdgeInfo[i].length = e.normalise();
mEdgeInfo[i].dir = e;
mEdgeInfo[i].slope = (absf(e.Y) < 1.0e-08) ? 0.0f : (e.X / e.Y);
bool Body::contains( const Vector2& pt )
// basic idea: draw a line from the point to a point known to be outside the body. count the number of
// lines in the polygon it intersects. if that number is odd, we are inside. if it's even, we are outside.
// in this implementation we will always use a line that moves off in the positive X direction from the point
// to simplify things.
Vector2 endPt = Vector2(mAABB.Max.X + 0.1f, pt.Y);
// line we are testing against goes from pt -> endPt.
bool inside = false;
Vector2 edgeSt = mPointMasses[0].Position;
Vector2 edgeEnd;
int c = mPointCount;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
// the current edge is defined as the line from edgeSt -> edgeEnd.
if (i < (c - 1))
edgeEnd = mPointMasses[i + 1].Position;
edgeEnd = mPointMasses[0].Position;
// perform check now...
if (((edgeSt.Y <= pt.Y) && (edgeEnd.Y > pt.Y)) || ((edgeSt.Y > pt.Y) && (edgeEnd.Y <= pt.Y)))
// this line crosses the test line at some point... does it do so within our test range?
float slope = mEdgeInfo[i].slope; //(edgeEnd.X - edgeSt.X) / (edgeEnd.Y - edgeSt.Y);
float hitX = edgeSt.X + ((pt.Y - edgeSt.Y) * slope);
if ((hitX >= pt.X) && (hitX <= endPt.X))
inside = !inside;
edgeSt = edgeEnd;
return inside;
float Body::getClosestPoint( const Vector2& pt, Vector2& hitPt, Vector2& norm, int& pointA, int& pointB, float& edgeD )
hitPt = Vector2::Zero;
pointA = -1;
pointB = -1;
edgeD = 0.0f;
norm = Vector2::Zero;
float closestD = 1000.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
Vector2 tempHit;
Vector2 tempNorm;
float tempEdgeD;
float dist = getClosestPointOnEdge(pt, i, tempHit, tempNorm, tempEdgeD);
if (dist < closestD)
closestD = dist;
pointA = i;
if (i < (mPointCount - 1))
pointB = i + 1;
pointB = 0;
edgeD = tempEdgeD;
norm = tempNorm;
hitPt = tempHit;
// return.
return closestD;
float Body::getClosestPointOnEdge( const Vector2& pt, int edgeNum, Vector2& hitPt, Vector2& norm, float& edgeD )
hitPt = Vector2::Zero;
norm = Vector2::Zero;
edgeD = 0.0f;
float dist = 0.0f;
Vector2 ptA = mPointMasses[edgeNum].Position;
Vector2 ptB;
if (edgeNum < (mPointCount - 1))
ptB = mPointMasses[edgeNum + 1].Position;
ptB = mPointMasses[0].Position;
Vector2 toP = pt - ptA;
Vector2 E = mEdgeInfo[edgeNum].dir;
// get the length of the edge, and use that to normalize the vector.
float edgeLength = mEdgeInfo[edgeNum].length;
// normal
Vector2 n = E.getPerpendicular();
// calculate the distance!
float x = toP.dotProduct(E);
if (x <= 0.0f)
// x is outside the line segment, distance is from pt to ptA.
dist = (pt - ptA).length();
hitPt = ptA;
edgeD = 0.0f;
norm = n;
else if (x >= edgeLength)
// x is outside of the line segment, distance is from pt to ptB.
dist = (pt - ptB).length();
hitPt = ptB;
edgeD = 1.0f;
norm = n;
// point lies somewhere on the line segment.
dist = absf(toP.crossProduct(E));
hitPt = ptA + (E * x);
edgeD = x / edgeLength;
norm = n;
return dist;
float Body::getClosestPointOnEdgeSquared( const Vector2& pt, int edgeNum, Vector2& hitPt, Vector2& norm, float& edgeD )
hitPt = Vector2::Zero;
norm = Vector2::Zero;
edgeD = 0.0f;
float dist = 0.0f;
Vector2 ptA = mPointMasses[edgeNum].Position;
Vector2 ptB;
if (edgeNum < (mPointCount - 1))
ptB = mPointMasses[edgeNum + 1].Position;
ptB = mPointMasses[0].Position;
Vector2 toP = pt - ptA;
Vector2 E = mEdgeInfo[edgeNum].dir;
// get the length of the edge, and use that to normalize the vector.
float edgeLength = mEdgeInfo[edgeNum].length;
// normal
Vector2 n = E.getPerpendicular();
// calculate the distance!
float x = toP.dotProduct(E);
if (x <= 0.0f)
// x is outside the line segment, distance is from pt to ptA.
dist = (pt - ptA).lengthSquared();
//Vector2.DistanceSquared(ref pt, ref ptA, out dist);
hitPt = ptA;
edgeD = 0.0f;
norm = n;
//printf("getClosestPointonEdgeSquared - closest is ptA: %f\n", dist);
else if (x >= edgeLength)
// x is outside of the line segment, distance is from pt to ptB.
dist = (pt - ptB).lengthSquared();
//Vector2.DistanceSquared(ref pt, ref ptB, out dist);
hitPt = ptB;
edgeD = 1.0f;
norm = n;
//printf("getClosestPointonEdgeSquared - closest is ptB: %f\n", dist);
// point lies somewhere on the line segment.
dist = toP.crossProduct(E);
//Vector3.Cross(ref toP3, ref E3, out E3);
dist = (dist * dist);
hitPt = ptA + (E * x);
edgeD = x / edgeLength;
norm = n;
//printf("getClosestPointonEdgeSquared - closest is at %f: %f\n", edgeD, dist);
return dist;
int Body::getClosestPointMass( const Vector2& pos, float& dist )
float closestSQD = 100000.0f;
int closest = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < mPointCount; i++)
float thisD = (pos - mPointMasses[i].Position).lengthSquared();
if (thisD < closestSQD)
closestSQD = thisD;
closest = i;
dist = (float)sqrt(closestSQD);
return closest;
void Body::setVelocity(Vector2 velocity)
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
(*it).Velocity = velocity;
void Body::addGlobalForce( const Vector2& pt, const Vector2& force )
Vector2 R = (mDerivedPos - pt);
float torqueF = R.crossProduct(force);
for (PointMassList::iterator it = mPointMasses.begin(); it != mPointMasses.end(); it++)
Vector2 toPt = ((*it).Position - mDerivedPos);
Vector2 torque = JellyPhysics::VectorTools::rotateVector(toPt, -HALF_PI);
(*it).Force += torque * torqueF;
(*it).Force += force;