import { Matrix2, Vector2 } from "./math.js";
import { Settings } from "./settings.js";
import * as Util from "./util.js";
import { Constraint } from "./constraint.js";
var ContactType;
(function (ContactType) {
ContactType[ContactType["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal";
ContactType[ContactType["Tangent"] = 1] = "Tangent";
})(ContactType || (ContactType = {}));
class ContactSolver {
constructor(manifold, contactPoint) {
this.impulseSum = 0.0; // For accumulated impulse
this.manifold = manifold;
this.bodyA = manifold.bodyA;
this.bodyB = manifold.bodyB;
this.contactPoint = contactPoint;
this.beta = Settings.positionCorrectionBeta;
this.restitution = this.bodyA.restitution * this.bodyB.restitution;
this.friction = this.bodyA.friction * this.bodyB.friction;
prepare(dir, contactType, featureFlipped) {
// Calculate Jacobian J and effective mass M
// J = [-dir, -ra × dir, dir, rb × dir] (dir: Contact vector, normal or tangent)
// M = (J · M^-1 · J^t)^-1
this.contactType = contactType;
this.ra = this.contactPoint.sub(this.bodyA.position);
this.rb = this.contactPoint.sub(this.bodyB.position);
this.jacobian =
va: dir.inverted(),
wa: -this.ra.cross(dir),
vb: dir,
wb: this.rb.cross(dir),
this.bias = 0.0;
if (this.contactType == ContactType.Normal) {
// Relative velocity at contact point
let relativeVelocity = this.bodyB.linearVelocity.add(Util.cross(this.bodyB.angularVelocity, this.rb))
.sub(this.bodyA.linearVelocity.add(Util.cross(this.bodyA.angularVelocity, this.ra)));
let normalVelocity =;
if (Settings.positionCorrection)
this.bias = -(this.beta Settings.inv_dt) Math.max(this.manifold.penetrationDepth - Settings.penetrationSlop, 0.0);
this.bias += this.restitution * Math.min(normalVelocity + Settings.restitutionSlop, 0.0);
// if (approachingVelocity + Settings.restitutionSlop < 0) this.bias += this.restitution * approachingVelocity;
else {
// Bias for surface speed that enables the conveyor belt-like behavior
this.bias = -(this.bodyB.surfaceSpeed - this.bodyA.surfaceSpeed);
if (featureFlipped)
this.bias *= -1;
let k = +this.bodyA.inverseMass
+ this.jacobian.wa this.bodyA.inverseInertia this.jacobian.wa
+ this.bodyB.inverseMass
+ this.jacobian.wb this.bodyB.inverseInertia this.jacobian.wb;
this.effectiveMass = k > 0.0 ? 1.0 / k : 0.0;
// Apply the old impulse calculated in the previous time step
if (Settings.warmStarting)
solve(normalContact) {
// Calculate corrective impulse: Pc
// Pc = J^t * λ (λ: lagrangian multiplier)
// λ = (J · M^-1 · J^t)^-1 ⋅ -(J·v+b)
// Jacobian * velocity vector (Normal velocity)
let jv =
+ this.jacobian.wa * this.bodyA.angularVelocity
+ this.jacobian.wb * this.bodyB.angularVelocity;
let lambda = this.effectiveMass * -(jv + this.bias);
let oldImpulseSum = this.impulseSum;
switch (this.contactType) {
case ContactType.Normal:
if (Settings.impulseAccumulation)
this.impulseSum = Math.max(0.0, this.impulseSum + lambda);
this.impulseSum = Math.max(0.0, lambda);
case ContactType.Tangent:
let maxFriction = this.friction * normalContact.impulseSum;
if (Settings.impulseAccumulation)
this.impulseSum = Util.clamp(this.impulseSum + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
this.impulseSum = Util.clamp(lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
if (Settings.impulseAccumulation)
lambda = this.impulseSum - oldImpulseSum;
lambda = this.impulseSum;
// Apply impulse
applyImpulse(lambda) {
// V2 = V2' + M^-1 ⋅ Pc
// Pc = J^t ⋅ λ
this.bodyA.linearVelocity = this.bodyA.linearVelocity.add( * lambda));
this.bodyA.angularVelocity = this.bodyA.angularVelocity + this.bodyA.inverseInertia this.jacobian.wa lambda;
this.bodyB.linearVelocity = this.bodyB.linearVelocity.add(this.jacobian.vb.mul(this.bodyB.inverseMass * lambda));
this.bodyB.angularVelocity = this.bodyB.angularVelocity + this.bodyB.inverseInertia this.jacobian.wb lambda;
class BlockSolver {
constructor(manifold) {
this.bodyA = manifold.bodyA;
this.bodyB = manifold.bodyB;
prepare(normalContacts) {
// Calculate Jacobian J and effective mass M
// J = [-n, -ra1 × n, n, rb1 × n
// -n, -ra2 × n, n, rb2 × n]
// K = (J · M^-1 · J^t)
// M = K^-1
this.nc1 = normalContacts[0];
this.nc2 = normalContacts[1];
this.j1 = normalContacts[0].jacobian;
this.j2 = normalContacts[1].jacobian;
this.k = new Matrix2();
this.k.m00 =
+ this.j1.wa this.bodyA.inverseInertia this.j1.wa
+ this.bodyB.inverseMass
+ this.j1.wb this.bodyB.inverseInertia this.j1.wb;
this.k.m11 =
+ this.j2.wa this.bodyA.inverseInertia this.j2.wa
+ this.bodyB.inverseMass
+ this.j2.wb this.bodyB.inverseInertia this.j2.wb;
this.k.m01 =
+ this.j1.wa this.bodyA.inverseInertia this.j2.wa
+ this.bodyB.inverseMass
+ this.j1.wb this.bodyB.inverseInertia this.j2.wb;
this.k.m10 = this.k.m01;
Util.assert(this.k.determinant != 0);
this.m = this.k.inverted();
solve() {
// The comments below are copied from Box2D::b2_contact_solver.cpp
// Check out Box2D:
// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
// vn = A x + b, vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
// A = J W JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
// b = vn0 - velocityBias
// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
// Substitute:
// x = a + d
// a := old total impulse
// x := new total impulse
// d := incremental impulse
// For the current iteration we extend the formula for the incremental impulse
// to compute the new total impulse:
// vn = A * d + b
// = A * (x - a) + b
// = A x + b - A a
// = A * x + b'
// b' = b - A * a;
let a = new Vector2(this.nc1.impulseSum, this.nc2.impulseSum); // old total impulse
Util.assert(a.x >= 0.0, a.y >= 0.0);
// (Velocity constraint) Normal velocity: Jv = 0
let vn1 =
+ this.nc1.jacobian.wa * this.bodyA.angularVelocity
+ this.nc1.jacobian.wb * this.bodyB.angularVelocity;
let vn2 =
+ this.nc2.jacobian.wa * this.bodyA.angularVelocity
+ this.nc2.jacobian.wb * this.bodyB.angularVelocity;
let b = new Vector2(vn1 + this.nc1.bias, vn2 + this.nc2.bias);
// b' = b - K * a
b = b.sub(this.k.mulVector(a));
let x; // Lambda
while (true) {
// Case 1: vn = 0
// Both constraints are violated
// 0 = A * x + b'
// Solve for x:
// x = - inv(A) * b'
x = this.m.mulVector(b).inverted();
if (x.x >= 0.0 && x.y >= 0.0)
// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
// The first constraint is violated and the second constraint is satisfied
// 0 = a11 x1 + a12 0 + b1'
// vn2 = a21 x1 + a22 0 + b2'
x.x = this.nc1.effectiveMass * -b.x;
x.y = 0.0;
vn1 = 0.0;
vn2 = this.k.m01 * x.x + b.y;
if (x.x >= 0.0 && vn2 >= 0.0)
// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
// The first constraint is satisfied and the second constraint is violated
// vn1 = a11 0 + a12 x2 + b1'
// 0 = a21 0 + a22 x2 + b2'
x.x = 0.0;
x.y = this.nc2.effectiveMass * -b.y;
vn1 = this.k.m10 * x.y + b.x;
vn2 = 0.0;
if (x.y >= 0.0 && vn1 >= 0.0)
// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
// Both constraints are satisfied
// vn1 = b1
// vn2 = b2;
x.x = 0.0;
x.y = 0.0;
vn1 = b.x;
vn2 = b.y;
if (vn1 >= 0.0 && vn2 >= 0.0)
// Get the incremental impulse
let d = x.sub(a);
// Accumulate
this.nc1.impulseSum = x.x;
this.nc2.impulseSum = x.y;
applyImpulse(lambda) {
// V2 = V2' + M^-1 ⋅ Pc
// Pc = J^t ⋅ λ
this.bodyA.linearVelocity = this.bodyA.linearVelocity.add( * (lambda.x + lambda.y)));
this.bodyA.angularVelocity = this.bodyA.angularVelocity + this.bodyA.inverseInertia (this.j1.wa lambda.x + this.j2.wa * lambda.y);
this.bodyB.linearVelocity = this.bodyB.linearVelocity.add(this.j1.vb.mul(this.bodyB.inverseMass * (lambda.x + lambda.y)));
this.bodyB.angularVelocity = this.bodyB.angularVelocity + this.bodyB.inverseInertia (this.j1.wb lambda.x + this.j2.wb * lambda.y);
export class ContactManifold extends Constraint {
constructor(bodyA, bodyB, contactPoints, penetrationDepth, contactNormal, featureFlipped) {
super(bodyA, bodyB);
this.normalContacts = [];
this.tangentContacts = [];
this.persistent = false;
this.contactPoints = contactPoints;
this.penetrationDepth = penetrationDepth;
this.contactNormal = contactNormal;
this.contactTangent = new Vector2(-contactNormal.y, contactNormal.x);
this.featureFlipped = featureFlipped;
for (let i = 0; i < this.numContacts; i++) {
this.normalContacts.push(new ContactSolver(this, contactPoints[i]));
this.tangentContacts.push(new ContactSolver(this, contactPoints[i]));
this.normalContacts.push(new ContactSolver(this, contactPoints[i].point));
this.tangentContacts.push(new ContactSolver(this, contactPoints[i].point));
if (this.numContacts == 2 && Settings.blockSolve) {
this.blockSolver = new BlockSolver(this);
prepare() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.numContacts; i++) {
this.normalContacts[i].prepare(this.contactNormal, ContactType.Normal, this.featureFlipped);
this.tangentContacts[i].prepare(this.contactTangent, ContactType.Tangent, this.featureFlipped);
// If we have two contact points, then prepare the block solver.
if (this.numContacts == 2 && Settings.blockSolve) {
solve() {
// Solve tangent constraint first
for (let i = 0; i < this.numContacts; i++) {
if (this.numContacts == 1 || !Settings.blockSolve) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.numContacts; i++) {
else // Solve two contact constraint in one shot using block solver
applyImpulse() { }
tryWarmStart(oldManifold) {
const distance_clamping = false;
for (let n = 0; n < this.numContacts; n++) {
let o = 0;
for (; o < oldManifold.numContacts; o++) {
let dist = Util.squared_distance(this.contactPoints[n], oldManifold.contactPoints[o]);
// If contact points are close enough, warm start.
if (dist < Settings.warmStartingThreshold)
if (this.contactPoints[n].id == oldManifold.contactPoints[o].id) {
if (distance_clamping) {
let dist = Util.squared_distance(this.contactPoints[n].point, oldManifold.contactPoints[o].point);
// If contact points are close enough, warm start.
if (dist < Settings.warmStartingThreshold)
else {
if (o < oldManifold.numContacts) {
this.normalContacts[n].impulseSum = oldManifold.normalContacts[o].impulseSum;
this.tangentContacts[n].impulseSum = oldManifold.tangentContacts[o].impulseSum;
this.persistent = true;
get numContacts() {
return this.contactPoints.length;
getContactInfo(flip) {
let contactInfo = {
other: flip ? this.bodyB : this.bodyA,
numContacts: this.numContacts,
contactDir: flip ? this.contactNormal.inverted() : this.contactNormal.copy(),
contactPoints: [],
impulse: 0,
for (let i = 0; i < this.numContacts; i++) {
contactInfo.impulse += this.normalContacts[i].impulseSum;
return contactInfo;