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sopiro grab


import { Joint } from "./joint.js";
import { Matrix2, Vector2 } from "./math.js";
import { RigidBody } from "./rigidbody.js";
import { Settings } from "./settings.js";
import * as Util from "./util.js";

export class GrabJoint extends Joint
    public localAnchor: Vector2;
    public target: Vector2;

    private r!: Vector2;
    private m!: Matrix2;
    private bias!: Vector2;
    private impulseSum: Vector2 = new Vector2();

        body: RigidBody, anchor: Vector2,
        target: Vector2,
        frequency = 0.8, dampingRatio = 0.6, jointMass = -1
        super(body, body, frequency, dampingRatio, jointMass);

        this.localAnchor = body.globalToLocal.mulVector2(anchor, 1); = target;

    override prepare(): void
        // Calculate Jacobian J and effective mass M
        // J = [I, skew(r)]
        // M = (J · M^-1 · J^t)^-1

        this.r = this.bodyA.localToGlobal.mulVector2(this.localAnchor, 0);
        let p = this.bodyA.position.add(this.r);

        let k = new Matrix2();

        k.m00 = this.bodyA.inverseMass + this.bodyA.inverseInertia * this.r.y * this.r.y;
        k.m01 = -this.bodyA.inverseInertia * this.r.y * this.r.x;
        k.m10 = -this.bodyA.inverseInertia * this.r.x * this.r.y;
        k.m11 = this.bodyA.inverseMass + this.bodyA.inverseInertia * this.r.x * this.r.x;

        k.m00 += this.gamma;
        k.m11 += this.gamma;

        this.m = k.inverted();

        let error = p.sub(;

        if (Settings.positionCorrection)
            this.bias = error.mul(this.beta * Settings.inv_dt);
            this.bias = new Vector2(0.0, 0.0);

        if (Settings.warmStarting)

    override solve(): void
        // Calculate corrective impulse: Pc
        // Pc = J^t · λ (λ: lagrangian multiplier)
        // λ = (J · M^-1 · J^t)^-1 ⋅ -(J·v+b)

        let jv: Vector2 = this.bodyA.linearVelocity.add(Util.cross(this.bodyA.angularVelocity, this.r));

        let lambda = this.m.mulVector(jv.add(this.bias).add(this.impulseSum.mul(this.gamma)).inverted());


        if (Settings.warmStarting)
            this.impulseSum = this.impulseSum.add(lambda);

    protected override applyImpulse(lambda: Vector2): void
        // V2 = V2' + M^-1 ⋅ Pc
        // Pc = J^t ⋅ λ

        this.bodyA.linearVelocity = this.bodyA.linearVelocity.add(lambda.mul(this.bodyA.inverseMass));
        this.bodyA.angularVelocity = this.bodyA.angularVelocity + this.bodyA.inverseInertia * this.r.cross(lambda);

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