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sopiro detection


import { Circle } from "./circle.js";
import { RigidBody } from "./rigidbody.js";
import { ContactManifold } from "./contact.js";
import { Edge } from "./edge.js";
import { Vector2 } from "./math.js";
import { Polygon } from "./polygon.js";
import { ClosestEdgeInfo, Polytope } from "./polytope.js";
import { Simplex } from "./simplex.js";
import * as Util from "./util.js";
import { Settings } from "./settings.js";

interface SupportResult
    vertex: Vector2;
    index: number;

// Returns the fardest vertex in the 'dir' direction
function support(b: RigidBody, dir: Vector2): SupportResult
    if (b instanceof Polygon)
        let idx = 0;
        let maxValue =[idx]);

        for (let i = 1; i < b.vertices.length; i++)
            let value =[i]);
            if (value > maxValue)
                idx = i;
                maxValue = value;

        return { vertex: b.vertices[idx], index: idx };
    else if (b instanceof Circle)
        return { vertex: dir.normalized().mul(b.radius), index: -1 };
        throw "Not a supported shape";

* Returns support point in 'Minkowski Difference' set
* Minkowski Sum: A ⊕ B = {Pa + Pb| Pa ∈ A, Pb ∈ B}
* Minkowski Difference : A ⊖ B = {Pa - Pb| Pa ∈ A, Pb ∈ B}
* CSO stands for Configuration Space Object
function csoSupport(b1: RigidBody, b2: RigidBody, dir: Vector2): Vector2
    const localDirP1 = b1.globalToLocal.mulVector2(dir, 0);
    const localDirP2 = b2.globalToLocal.mulVector2(dir.inverted(), 0);

    let supportP1 = support(b1, localDirP1).vertex;
    let supportP2 = support(b2, localDirP2).vertex;

    supportP1 = b1.localToGlobal.mulVector2(supportP1, 1);
    supportP2 = b2.localToGlobal.mulVector2(supportP2, 1);

    return supportP1.sub(supportP2);

interface GJKResult
    collide: boolean;
    simplex: Simplex;

function gjk(b1: RigidBody, b2: RigidBody): GJKResult
    const origin = new Vector2(0, 0);
    let simplex: Simplex = new Simplex();
    let dir = new Vector2(1, 0); // Random initial direction

    let result: GJKResult = { collide: false, simplex: simplex };

    let supportPoint = csoSupport(b1, b2, dir);

    for (let k = 0; k < Settings.GJK_MAX_ITERATION; k++)
        let closest = simplex.getClosest(origin);

        if (Util.squared_distance(closest.result, origin) < Settings.GJK_TOLERANCE)
            result.collide = true;

        if (simplex.count != 1)
            // Rebuild the simplex with vertices that are used(involved) to calculate closest distance

        dir = origin.sub(closest.result);
        supportPoint = csoSupport(b1, b2, dir);

        // If the new support point is not further along the search direction than the closest point,
        // two objects are not colliding so you can early return here.
        if (dir.length > dir.normalized().dot(supportPoint.sub(closest.result)))
            result.collide = false;

        if (simplex.containsVertex(supportPoint))
            result.collide = false;

    result.simplex = simplex;

    return result;

interface EPAResult
    penetrationDepth: number;
    contactNormal: Vector2;

function epa(b1: RigidBody, b2: RigidBody, gjkResult: Simplex): EPAResult
    let polytope: Polytope = new Polytope(gjkResult);

    let closestEdge: ClosestEdgeInfo = { index: 0, distance: Infinity, normal: new Vector2(0, 0) };

    for (let i = 0; i < Settings.EPA_MAX_ITERATION; i++)
        closestEdge = polytope.getClosestEdge();
        let supportPoint = csoSupport(b1, b2, closestEdge.normal);
        let newDistance =;

        if (Math.abs(closestEdge.distance - newDistance) > Settings.EPA_TOLERANCE)
            // Insert the support vertex so that it expands our polytope
            polytope.vertices.splice(closestEdge.index + 1, 0, supportPoint);
            // If you didn't expand edge, it means you reached the closest outer edge

    return {
        penetrationDepth: closestEdge.distance,
        contactNormal: closestEdge.normal,

const TANGENT_MIN_LENGTH = 0.01;

function findFarthestEdge(b: RigidBody, dir: Vector2): Edge
    let localDir = b.globalToLocal.mulVector2(dir, 0)
    let farthest = support(b, localDir);
    let curr = farthest.vertex;
    let idx = farthest.index;

    let localToGlobal = b.localToGlobal;

    if (b instanceof Circle)
        curr = localToGlobal.mulVector2(curr, 1);
        let tangent = Util.cross(1, dir).mul(TANGENT_MIN_LENGTH);

        return new Edge(curr, curr.add(tangent), -1);
    else if (b instanceof Polygon)
        let p = b as Polygon;

        let prev = p.vertices[(idx - 1 + p.count) % p.count];
        let next = p.vertices[(idx + 1) % p.count];

        let e1 = curr.sub(prev).normalized();
        let e2 = curr.sub(next).normalized();

        let w = Math.abs( <= Math.abs(;

        curr = localToGlobal.mulVector2(curr, 1);

        return w ?
            new Edge(localToGlobal.mulVector2(prev, 1), curr, (idx - 1 + p.count) % p.count, idx) :
            new Edge(curr, localToGlobal.mulVector2(next, 1), idx, (idx + 1) % p.count);
        throw "Not a supported shape";

function clipEdge(edge: Edge, p: Vector2, dir: Vector2, remove: boolean = false)
    let d1 = edge.p1.sub(p).dot(dir);
    let d2 = edge.p2.sub(p).dot(dir);

    if (d1 >= 0 && d2 >= 0) return;

    let per = Math.abs(d1) + Math.abs(d2);

    if (d1 < 0)
        if (remove)
            edge.p1 = edge.p2;
            edge.id1 = edge.id2;
            edge.p1 = edge.p1.add(edge.p2.sub(edge.p1).mul(-d1 / per));
    else if (d2 < 0)
        if (remove)
            edge.p2 = edge.p1;
            edge.id2 = edge.id1;
            edge.p2 = edge.p2.add(edge.p1.sub(edge.p2).mul(-d2 / per));

export interface ContactPoint
    point: Vector2;
    id: number;

// Since the findFarthestEdge function returns a edge with a minimum length of 0.01 for circle,
// merging threshold should be greater than sqrt(2) * minimum edge length

function findContactPoints(n: Vector2, a: RigidBody, b: RigidBody): ContactPoint[]
    let edgeA = findFarthestEdge(a, n);
    let edgeB = findFarthestEdge(b, n.inverted());

    let ref = edgeA; // Reference edge
    let inc = edgeB; // Incidence edge
    let flip = false;

    let aPerpendicularness = Math.abs(;
    let bPerpendicularness = Math.abs(;

    if (aPerpendicularness >= bPerpendicularness)
        ref = edgeB;
        inc = edgeA;
        flip = true;

    clipEdge(inc, ref.p1, ref.dir);
    clipEdge(inc, ref.p2, ref.dir.inverted());
    clipEdge(inc, ref.p1, flip ? n : n.inverted(), true);

    let contactPoints: ContactPoint[];

    // If two points are closer than threshold, merge them into one point
    if (inc.length <= CONTACT_MERGE_THRESHOLD)
        contactPoints = [{ point: inc.p1, id: inc.id1 }];
        contactPoints = [{ point: inc.p1, id: inc.id1 }, { point: inc.p2, id: inc.id2 }];

    return contactPoints;

// Returns contact data if collide, otherwise returns null
export function detectCollision(a: RigidBody, b: RigidBody): ContactManifold | null
    // Circle vs. Circle collision
    if (a instanceof Circle && b instanceof Circle)
        let d = Util.squared_distance(a.position, b.position);
        let r2 = a.radius + b.radius;

        if (d > r2 * r2)
            return null;
            d = Math.sqrt(d);

            let contactNormal = b.position.sub(a.position).normalized();
            let contactPoint = a.position.add(contactNormal.mul(a.radius));
            let penetrationDepth = (r2 - d);

            let flipped = false;
            if ( Vector2(0, -1)) < 0)
                let tmp = a;
                a = b;
                b = tmp;
                flipped = true;

            let contact = new ContactManifold(a, b, [{ point: contactPoint, id: -1 }], penetrationDepth, contactNormal, flipped);

            return contact;

    const gjkResult = gjk(a, b);

    if (!gjkResult.collide)
        return null;
        // If the gjk termination simplex has vertices less than 3, expand to full simplex
        // Because EPA needs a full n-simplex to get started
        let simplex = gjkResult.simplex;

        switch (simplex.count)
            case 1:
                let v = simplex.vertices[0];
                let randomSupport = csoSupport(a, b, new Vector2(1, 0));

                if (randomSupport.equals(v))
                    randomSupport = csoSupport(a, b, new Vector2(-1, 0));

            case 2:
                let e = new Edge(simplex.vertices[0], simplex.vertices[1]);
                let normalSupport = csoSupport(a, b, e.normal);

                if (simplex.containsVertex(normalSupport))
                    simplex.addVertex(csoSupport(a, b, e.normal.inverted()));

        const epaResult: EPAResult = epa(a, b, gjkResult.simplex);

        let flipped = false;
        // Apply axis weight to improve coherence
        if ( Vector2(0, -1)) < 0)
            let tmp = a;
            a = b;
            b = tmp;
            flipped = true;

        // Remove floating point error

        let contactPoints = findContactPoints(epaResult.contactNormal, a, b);

        let contact = new ContactManifold(a, b, contactPoints, epaResult.penetrationDepth, epaResult.contactNormal, flipped);

        return contact;

export function testPointInside(body: RigidBody, point: Vector2): boolean
    let localP = body.globalToLocal.mulVector2(point, 1);

    if (body instanceof Circle)
        return localP.length <= (body as Circle).radius;
    else if (body instanceof Polygon)
        let poly = body as Polygon;

        let dir = poly.vertices[0].sub(localP).cross(poly.vertices[1].sub(localP));

        for (let i = 1; i < poly.vertices.length; i++)
            let nDir = poly.vertices[i].sub(localP).cross(poly.vertices[(i + 1) % poly.count].sub(localP));
            if (dir * nDir < 0)
                return false
        return true;
        throw "Not a supported shape";

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