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p2 sweep & prune


Updated: Mar 12, 2024

  • a.k.a. Sort and sweep

  • For each axis,

    • Create sorted list of start and end points of intervals for each box (use Insert Sort to exploit frame to frame coherency)

  • Traverse each list

    • Each time a startpoint is reached insert into active list

    • If endpoint is hit remove it from active list

    • If 2 or more objects are active at the same time they overlap in the specified dimension

    • Potential colliding pairs must overlap in all 3 lists


* Base class for broadphase implementations. Don't use this class directly.

* @class Broadphase

* @constructor


var vec2 = require('../math/vec2');
var Body = require('../objects/Body');

module.exports = Broadphase;

function Broadphase(type){

    this.type = type;

     * The resulting overlapping pairs. Will be filled with results during .getCollisionPairs().
     * @property result
     * @type {Array}
    this.result = [];

     * The world to search for collision pairs in. To change it, use .setWorld()
     * @property world
     * @type {World}
     * @readOnly
     */ = null;

     * The bounding volume type to use in the broadphase algorithms. Should be set to Broadphase.AABB or Broadphase.BOUNDING_CIRCLE.
     * @property {Number} boundingVolumeType
    this.boundingVolumeType = Broadphase.AABB;

 * Axis aligned bounding box type.
 * @static
 * @property {Number} AABB
Broadphase.AABB = 1;

 * Bounding circle type.
 * @static
 * @property {Number} BOUNDING_CIRCLE
Broadphase.BOUNDING_CIRCLE = 2;

 * Set the world that we are searching for collision pairs in.
 * @method setWorld
 * @param  {World} world
Broadphase.prototype.setWorld = function(world){ = world;

 * Get all potential intersecting body pairs.
 * @method getCollisionPairs
 * @param  {World} world The world to search in.
 * @return {Array} An array of the bodies, ordered in pairs. Example: A result of [a,b,c,d] means that the potential pairs are: (a,b), (c,d).
Broadphase.prototype.getCollisionPairs = function(/*world*/){};

 * Check whether the bounding radius of two bodies overlap.
 * @method  boundingRadiusCheck
 * @param  {Body} bodyA
 * @param  {Body} bodyB
 * @return {Boolean}
Broadphase.boundingRadiusCheck = function(bodyA, bodyB){
    var d2 = vec2.squaredDistance(bodyA.position, bodyB.position),
        r = bodyA.boundingRadius + bodyB.boundingRadius;
    return d2 <= r*r;

 * Check whether the AABB of two bodies overlap.
 * @method  aabbCheck
 * @param  {Body} bodyA
 * @param  {Body} bodyB
 * @return {Boolean}
Broadphase.aabbCheck = function(bodyA, bodyB){
    return bodyA.getAABB().overlaps(bodyB.getAABB());

 * Check whether the bounding volumes of two bodies overlap.
 * @method  boundingVolumeCheck
 * @param  {Body} bodyA
 * @param  {Body} bodyB
 * @return {Boolean}
Broadphase.prototype.boundingVolumeCheck = function(bodyA, bodyB){
    var result;

    case Broadphase.BOUNDING_CIRCLE:
        result =  Broadphase.boundingRadiusCheck(bodyA,bodyB);
    case Broadphase.AABB:
        result = Broadphase.aabbCheck(bodyA,bodyB);
        throw new Error('Bounding volume type not recognized: '+this.boundingVolumeType);
    return result;

 * Check whether two bodies are allowed to collide at all.
 * @method  canCollide
 * @param  {Body} bodyA
 * @param  {Body} bodyB
 * @return {Boolean}
Broadphase.canCollide = function(bodyA, bodyB){
    var STATIC = Body.STATIC;
    var typeA = bodyA.type;
    var typeB = bodyB.type;

    // Cannot collide static bodies
    if(typeA === STATIC && typeB === STATIC){
        return false;

    // Cannot collide static vs kinematic bodies
    if( (typeA === KINEMATIC && typeB === STATIC) ||
        (typeA === STATIC    && typeB === KINEMATIC)){
        return false;

    // Cannot collide kinematic vs kinematic
    if(typeA === KINEMATIC && typeB === KINEMATIC){
        return false;

    // Cannot collide both sleeping bodies
    if(bodyA.sleepState === Body.SLEEPING && bodyB.sleepState === Body.SLEEPING){
        return false;

    // Cannot collide if one is static and the other is sleeping
    if( (bodyA.sleepState === Body.SLEEPING && typeB === STATIC) ||
        (bodyB.sleepState === Body.SLEEPING && typeA === STATIC)){
        return false;

    return true;

Broadphase.NAIVE = 1;
Broadphase.SAP = 2;

 * Returns all the bodies within an AABB.
 * @method aabbQuery
 * @param  {World} world
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
 * @param {array} result An array to store resulting bodies in.
 * @return {array}
Broadphase.prototype.aabbQuery = function(/*world, aabb, result*/){
    // To be implemented in subclasses


var Utils = require('../utils/Utils')
,   Broadphase = require('../collision/Broadphase');

module.exports = SAPBroadphase;

 * Sweep and prune broadphase along one axis.
 * @class SAPBroadphase
 * @constructor
 * @extends Broadphase
function SAPBroadphase(){,Broadphase.SAP);

     * List of bodies currently in the broadphase.
     * @property axisList
     * @type {Array}
    this.axisList = [];

     * The axis to sort along. 0 means x-axis and 1 y-axis. If your bodies are more spread out over the X axis, set axisIndex to 0, and you will gain some performance.
     * @property axisIndex
     * @type {Number}
    this.axisIndex = 0;

    var that = this;
    this._addBodyHandler = function(e){

    this._removeBodyHandler = function(e){
        // Remove from list
        var idx = that.axisList.indexOf(e.body);
        if(idx !== -1){
SAPBroadphase.prototype = new Broadphase();
SAPBroadphase.prototype.constructor = SAPBroadphase;

 * Change the world
 * @method setWorld
 * @param {World} world
SAPBroadphase.prototype.setWorld = function(world){
    // Clear the old axis array
    this.axisList.length = 0;

    // Add all bodies from the new world
    Utils.appendArray(this.axisList, world.bodies);

    // Remove old handlers, if any

    // Add handlers to update the list of bodies.
    world.on("addBody",this._addBodyHandler).on("removeBody",this._removeBodyHandler); = world;

function sortAxisList(a, axisIndex){
    axisIndex = axisIndex|0;
    for(var i=1,l=a.length; i<l; i++) {
        var v = a[i];
        for(var j=i - 1;j>=0;j--) {
            if(a[j].aabb.lowerBound[axisIndex] <= v.aabb.lowerBound[axisIndex]){
            a[j+1] = a[j];
        a[j+1] = v;
    return a;

SAPBroadphase.prototype.sortList = function(){
    var bodies = this.axisList,
    axisIndex = this.axisIndex;

    // Sort the lists
    sortAxisList(bodies, axisIndex);

 * Get the colliding pairs
 * @method getCollisionPairs
 * @param  {World} world
 * @return {Array}
SAPBroadphase.prototype.getCollisionPairs = function(/*world*/){
    var bodies = this.axisList,
        result = this.result,
        axisIndex = this.axisIndex;

    result.length = 0;

    // Update all AABBs if needed
    var l = bodies.length;
        var b = bodies[l];

    // Sort the lists

    // Look through the X list
    for(var i=0, N=bodies.length|0; i!==N; i++){
        var bi = bodies[i];

        for(var j=i+1; j<N; j++){
            var bj = bodies[j];

            // Bounds overlap?
            var overlaps = (bj.aabb.lowerBound[axisIndex] <= bi.aabb.upperBound[axisIndex]);

            if(Broadphase.canCollide(bi,bj) && this.boundingVolumeCheck(bi,bj)){

    return result;

 * Returns all the bodies within an AABB.
 * @method aabbQuery
 * @param  {World} world
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
 * @param {array} result An array to store resulting bodies in.
 * @return {array}
 * @todo since the list is sorted, optimization can be done
SAPBroadphase.prototype.aabbQuery = function(world, aabb, result){
    result = result || [];


    var axisList = this.axisList;
    for(var i = 0; i < axisList.length; i++){
        var b = axisList[i];



    return result;

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