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What is an AABB?

An Axis-Aligned Bounding Box is a rectangular box that fully encloses a 3D object or scene, with its edges aligned with the coordinate axes. It’s called “axis-aligned” because the sides of the box are parallel to the three axes of the 3D space: x, y, and z. So, imagine a rectangular box that’s aligned with the x, y, and z axes. It serves as an approximation of the object’s geometry, simplifying the process of ray-object intersection tests, which are fundamental to rendering.

That is to say, this box can't be rotated.

The first question we have to ask is how to represent an AABB? There are two common ways, by storing the leftmost and rightmost corners, OR by storing the center point and a vector of how far the box extends on each side.


Most mathematical texts describe an AABB as a min and max point.

How are AABB’s calculated?

The AABB is defined by two points: the point with the lowest x, y, and z coordinates (let’s call it Point A), and the point with the highest x, y, and z coordinates (let’s call it Point B). These two points determine the size and position of the AABB.

AABBs are useful in 3D graphics for a few reasons. First, they are easy to calculate. You just need to find the minimum and maximum points of the object.

var vec2 = require('../math/vec2');

module.exports = AABB;

 * Axis aligned bounding box class.
 * @class AABB
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object}  [options]
 * @param {Array}   [options.upperBound]
 * @param {Array}   [options.lowerBound]
 * @example
 *     var aabb = new AABB({
 *         upperBound: [1, 1],
 *         lowerBound: [-1, -1]
 *     });
function AABB(options){
    options = options || {};

     * The lower bound of the bounding box.
     * @property lowerBound
     * @type {Array}
    this.lowerBound = options.lowerBound ? vec2.clone(options.lowerBound) : vec2.create();

     * The upper bound of the bounding box.
     * @property upperBound
     * @type {Array}
    this.upperBound = options.upperBound ? vec2.clone(options.upperBound) : vec2.create();

var tmp = vec2.create();

 * Set the AABB bounds from a set of points, transformed by the given position and angle.
 * @method setFromPoints
 * @param {Array} points An array of vec2's.
 * @param {Array} position
 * @param {number} [angle=0]
 * @param {number} [skinSize=0] Some margin to be added to the AABB.
AABB.prototype.setFromPoints = function(points, position, angle, skinSize){
    var l = this.lowerBound,
        u = this.upperBound;

    angle = angle || 0;

    // Set to the first point
    if(angle !== 0){
        vec2.rotate(l, points[0], angle);
    } else {
        vec2.copy(l, points[0]);
    vec2.copy(u, l);

    // Compute cosines and sines just once
    var cosAngle = Math.cos(angle),
        sinAngle = Math.sin(angle);
    for(var i = 1; i<points.length; i++){
        var p = points[i];

        if(angle !== 0){
            var x = p[0],
                y = p[1];
            tmp[0] = cosAngle * x -sinAngle * y;
            tmp[1] = sinAngle * x +cosAngle * y;
            p = tmp;

        for(var j=0; j<2; j++){
            if(p[j] > u[j]){
                u[j] = p[j];
            if(p[j] < l[j]){
                l[j] = p[j];

    // Add offset
        vec2.add(l, l, position);
        vec2.add(u, u, position);

        l[0] -= skinSize;
        l[1] -= skinSize;
        u[0] += skinSize;
        u[1] += skinSize;

 * Copy bounds from an AABB to this AABB
 * @method copy
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
AABB.prototype.copy = function(aabb){
    vec2.copy(this.lowerBound, aabb.lowerBound);
    vec2.copy(this.upperBound, aabb.upperBound);

 * Extend this AABB so that it covers the given AABB too.
 * @method extend
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
AABB.prototype.extend = function(aabb){
    var lower = this.lowerBound,
        upper = this.upperBound;

    // Loop over x and y
    var i = 2;
        // Extend lower bound
        var l = aabb.lowerBound[i];
        if(lower[i] > l){
            lower[i] = l;

        // Upper
        var u = aabb.upperBound[i];
        if(upper[i] < u){
            upper[i] = u;

 * Returns true if the given AABB overlaps this AABB.
 * @method overlaps
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
 * @return {Boolean}
AABB.prototype.overlaps = function(aabb){
    var l1 = this.lowerBound,
        u1 = this.upperBound,
        l2 = aabb.lowerBound,
        u2 = aabb.upperBound;

    //      l2        u2
    //      |---------|
    // |--------|
    // l1       u1

    return ((l2[0] <= u1[0] && u1[0] <= u2[0]) || (l1[0] <= u2[0] && u2[0] <= u1[0])) &&
           ((l2[1] <= u1[1] && u1[1] <= u2[1]) || (l1[1] <= u2[1] && u2[1] <= u1[1]));

 * @method containsPoint
 * @param  {Array} point
 * @return {boolean}
AABB.prototype.containsPoint = function(point){
    var l = this.lowerBound,
        u = this.upperBound;
    return l[0] <= point[0] && point[0] <= u[0] && l[1] <= point[1] && point[1] <= u[1];

 * Check if the AABB is hit by a ray.
 * @method overlapsRay
 * @param  {Ray} ray
 * @return {number} -1 if no hit, a number between 0 and 1 if hit, indicating the position between the "from" and "to" points.
 * @example
 *     var aabb = new AABB({
 *         upperBound: [1, 1],
 *         lowerBound: [-1, -1]
 *     });
 *     var ray = new Ray({
 *         from: [-2, 0],
 *         to: [0, 0]
 *     });
 *     var fraction = aabb.overlapsRay(ray); // fraction == 0.5
AABB.prototype.overlapsRay = function(ray){

    // ray.direction is unit direction vector of ray
    var dirFracX = 1 / ray.direction[0];
    var dirFracY = 1 / ray.direction[1];

    // this.lowerBound is the corner of AABB with minimal coordinates - left bottom, rt is maximal corner
    var from = ray.from;
    var lowerBound = this.lowerBound;
    var upperBound = this.upperBound;
    var t1 = (lowerBound[0] - from[0]) * dirFracX;
    var t2 = (upperBound[0] - from[0]) * dirFracX;
    var t3 = (lowerBound[1] - from[1]) * dirFracY;
    var t4 = (upperBound[1] - from[1]) * dirFracY;

    var tmin = Math.max(Math.max(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4)));
    var tmax = Math.min(Math.min(Math.max(t1, t2), Math.max(t3, t4)));

    // if tmax < 0, ray (line) is intersecting AABB, but whole AABB is behing us
    if (tmax < 0){
        //t = tmax;
        return -1;

    // if tmin > tmax, ray doesn't intersect AABB
    if (tmin > tmax){
        //t = tmax;
        return -1;

    return tmin / ray.length;

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