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// Fluid Simulation

// Daniel Shiffman

// This would not be possible without:

// Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games by Jos Stam

// Fluid Simulation for Dummies by Mike Ash

let fluid;

function setup() {

createCanvas(600, 600);


fluid = new Fluid(0.2, 0, 0.0000001);


function draw() {



let cx = int((0.5 * width) / SCALE);

let cy = int((0.5 * height) / SCALE);

for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {

for (let j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {

fluid.addDensity(cx + i, cy + j, random(50, 150));



for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

let angle = noise(t) TWO_PI 2;

let v = p5.Vector.fromAngle(angle);


t += 0.01;

fluid.addVelocity(cx, cy, v.x, v.y);






let N = 256;

let iter = 16;

let SCALE = 4;

let t = 0;

// function to use 1D array and fake the extra two dimensions --> 3D

function IX(x, y) {

return x + y * N;


// Fluid cube class

class Fluid {

constructor(dt, diffusion, viscosity) {

this.size = N;

this.dt = dt;

this.diff = diffusion;

this.visc = viscosity;

this.s = new Array(N * N).fill(0);

this.density = new Array(N * N).fill(0);

this.Vx = new Array(N * N).fill(0);

this.Vy = new Array(N * N).fill(0);

this.Vx0 = new Array(N * N).fill(0);

this.Vy0 = new Array(N * N).fill(0);


// step method

step() {

let N = this.size;

let visc = this.visc;

let diff = this.diff;

let dt = this.dt;

let Vx = this.Vx;

let Vy = this.Vy;

let Vx0 = this.Vx0;

let Vy0 = this.Vy0;

let s = this.s;

let density = this.density;

diffuse(1, Vx0, Vx, visc, dt);

diffuse(2, Vy0, Vy, visc, dt);

project(Vx0, Vy0, Vx, Vy);

advect(1, Vx, Vx0, Vx0, Vy0, dt);

advect(2, Vy, Vy0, Vx0, Vy0, dt);

project(Vx, Vy, Vx0, Vy0);

diffuse(0, s, density, diff, dt);

advect(0, density, s, Vx, Vy, dt);


// method to add density

addDensity(x, y, amount) {

let index = IX(x, y);

this.density[index] += amount;


// method to add velocity

addVelocity(x, y, amountX, amountY) {

let index = IX(x, y);

this.Vx[index] += amountX;

this.Vy[index] += amountY;


// function to render density

renderD() {

colorMode(HSB, 255);

for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {

for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) {

let x = i * SCALE;

let y = j * SCALE;

let d = this.density[IX(i, j)];

fill((d + 50) % 255,200,d);


square(x, y, SCALE);




// function to render velocity

renderV() {

for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {

for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) {

let x = i * SCALE;

let y = j * SCALE;

let vx = this.Vx[IX(i, j)];

let vy = this.Vy[IX(i, j)];

// stroke(0);


if (!(abs(vx) < 0.1 && abs(vy) <= 0.1)) {

line(x, y, x + vx SCALE, y + vy SCALE);





fadeD() {

for (let i = 0; i < this.density.length; i++) {

//let d = density[i];

this.density = constrain(this.density-0.02, 0, 255);






Function of diffuse

- b : int

- x : float[]

- x0 : float[]

- diff : float

- dt : flaot


function diffuse(b, x, x0, diff, dt) {

let a = dt diff (N - 2) * (N - 2);

lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, 1 + 6 * a);



Function of solving linear differential equation

- b : int

- x : float[]

- x0 : float[]

- a : float

- c : float


function lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, c) {

let cRecip = 1.0 / c;

for (let t = 0; t < iter; t++) {

for (let j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {

for (let i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) {

x[IX(i, j)] =

(x0[IX(i, j)] +

a *

(x[IX(i + 1, j)] +

x[IX(i - 1, j)] +

x[IX(i, j + 1)] +

x[IX(i, j - 1)])) *




set_bnd(b, x);




Function of project : This operation runs through all the cells and fixes them up so everything is in equilibrium.

- velocX : float[]

- velocY : float[]

= p : float[]

- div : float[]


function project(velocX, velocY, p, div) {

for (let j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {

for (let i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) {

div[IX(i, j)] =

(-0.5 *

(velocX[IX(i + 1, j)] -

velocX[IX(i - 1, j)] +

velocY[IX(i, j + 1)] -

velocY[IX(i, j - 1)])) /


p[IX(i, j)] = 0;



set_bnd(0, div);

set_bnd(0, p);

lin_solve(0, p, div, 1, 6);

for (let j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {

for (let i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) {

velocX[IX(i, j)] -= 0.5 (p[IX(i + 1, j)] - p[IX(i - 1, j)]) N;

velocY[IX(i, j)] -= 0.5 (p[IX(i, j + 1)] - p[IX(i, j - 1)]) N;



set_bnd(1, velocX);

set_bnd(2, velocY);



Function of advect: responsible for actually moving things around

- b : int

- d : float[]

- d0 : float[]

- velocX : float[]

- velocY : float[]

- velocZ : float[]

- dt : float[]


function advect(b, d, d0, velocX, velocY, dt) {

let i0, i1, j0, j1;

let dtx = dt * (N - 2);

let dty = dt * (N - 2);

let s0, s1, t0, t1;

let tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, x, y;

let Nfloat = N - 2;

let ifloat, jfloat;

let i, j, k;

for (j = 1, jfloat = 1; j < N - 1; j++, jfloat++) {

for (i = 1, ifloat = 1; i < N - 1; i++, ifloat++) {

tmp1 = dtx * velocX[IX(i, j)];

tmp2 = dty * velocY[IX(i, j)];

x = ifloat - tmp1;

y = jfloat - tmp2;

if (x < 0.5) x = 0.5;

if (x > Nfloat + 0.5) x = Nfloat + 0.5;

i0 = Math.floor(x);

i1 = i0 + 1.0;

if (y < 0.5) y = 0.5;

if (y > Nfloat + 0.5) y = Nfloat + 0.5;

j0 = Math.floor(y);

j1 = j0 + 1.0;

s1 = x - i0;

s0 = 1.0 - s1;

t1 = y - j0;

t0 = 1.0 - t1;

let i0i = parseInt(i0);

let i1i = parseInt(i1);

let j0i = parseInt(j0);

let j1i = parseInt(j1);

d[IX(i, j)] =

s0 (t0 d0[IX(i0i, j0i)] + t1 * d0[IX(i0i, j1i)]) +

s1 (t0 d0[IX(i1i, j0i)] + t1 * d0[IX(i1i, j1i)]);



set_bnd(b, d);



Function of dealing with situation with boundary cells.

- b : int

- x : float[]


function set_bnd(b, x) {

for (let i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) {

x[IX(i, 0)] = b == 2 ? -x[IX(i, 1)] : x[IX(i, 1)];

x[IX(i, N - 1)] = b == 2 ? -x[IX(i, N - 2)] : x[IX(i, N - 2)];


for (let j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {

x[IX(0, j)] = b == 1 ? -x[IX(1, j)] : x[IX(1, j)];

x[IX(N - 1, j)] = b == 1 ? -x[IX(N - 2, j)] : x[IX(N - 2, j)];


x[IX(0, 0)] = 0.5 * (x[IX(1, 0)] + x[IX(0, 1)]);

x[IX(0, N - 1)] = 0.5 * (x[IX(1, N - 1)] + x[IX(0, N - 2)]);

x[IX(N - 1, 0)] = 0.5 * (x[IX(N - 2, 0)] + x[IX(N - 1, 1)]);

x[IX(N - 1, N - 1)] = 0.5 * (x[IX(N - 2, N - 1)] + x[IX(N - 1, N - 2)]);


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