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class Triangle {

constructor() {

Triangle.constructor_.apply(this, arguments)


static constructor_() {

this.p0 = null

this.p1 = null

this.p2 = null

const p0 = arguments[0], p1 = arguments[1], p2 = arguments[2]

this.p0 = p0

this.p1 = p1

this.p2 = p2


static isAcute(a, b, c) {

if (!Angle.isAcute(a, b, c)) return false

if (!Angle.isAcute(b, c, a)) return false

if (!Angle.isAcute(c, a, b)) return false

return true


static circumcentre(a, b, c) {

const cx = c.x

const cy = c.y

const ax = a.x - cx

const ay = a.y - cy

const bx = b.x - cx

const by = b.y - cy

const denom = 2 * Triangle.det(ax, ay, bx, by)

const numx = Triangle.det(ay, ax ax + ay ay, by, bx bx + by by)

const numy = Triangle.det(ax, ax ax + ay ay, bx, bx bx + by by)

const ccx = cx - numx / denom

const ccy = cy + numy / denom

return new Coordinate(ccx, ccy)


static perpendicularBisector(a, b) {

const dx = b.x - a.x

const dy = b.y - a.y

const l1 = new HCoordinate(a.x + dx / 2.0, a.y + dy / 2.0, 1.0)

const l2 = new HCoordinate(a.x - dy + dx / 2.0, a.y + dx + dy / 2.0, 1.0)

return new HCoordinate(l1, l2)


static angleBisector(a, b, c) {

const len0 = b.distance(a)

const len2 = b.distance(c)

const frac = len0 / (len0 + len2)

const dx = c.x - a.x

const dy = c.y - a.y

const splitPt = new Coordinate(a.x + frac dx, a.y + frac dy)

return splitPt


static inCentre(a, b, c) {

const len0 = b.distance(c)

const len1 = a.distance(c)

const len2 = a.distance(b)

const circum = len0 + len1 + len2

const inCentreX = (len0 a.x + len1 b.x + len2 * c.x) / circum

const inCentreY = (len0 a.y + len1 b.y + len2 * c.y) / circum

return new Coordinate(inCentreX, inCentreY)


static area(a, b, c) {

return Math.abs(((c.x - a.x) (b.y - a.y) - (b.x - a.x) (c.y - a.y)) / 2)


static signedArea(a, b, c) {

return ((c.x - a.x) (b.y - a.y) - (b.x - a.x) (c.y - a.y)) / 2


static det(m00, m01, m10, m11) {

return m00 m11 - m01 m10


static interpolateZ(p, v0, v1, v2) {

const x0 = v0.x

const y0 = v0.y

const a = v1.x - x0

const b = v2.x - x0

const c = v1.y - y0

const d = v2.y - y0

const det = a d - b c

const dx = p.x - x0

const dy = p.y - y0

const t = (d dx - b dy) / det

const u = (-c dx + a dy) / det

const z = v0.getZ() + t (v1.getZ() - v0.getZ()) + u (v2.getZ() - v0.getZ())

return z


static longestSideLength(a, b, c) {

const lenAB = a.distance(b)

const lenBC = b.distance(c)

const lenCA = c.distance(a)

let maxLen = lenAB

if (lenBC > maxLen) maxLen = lenBC

if (lenCA > maxLen) maxLen = lenCA

return maxLen


static circumcentreDD(a, b, c) {

const ax = DD.valueOf(a.x).subtract(c.x)

const ay = DD.valueOf(a.y).subtract(c.y)

const bx = DD.valueOf(b.x).subtract(c.x)

const by = DD.valueOf(b.y).subtract(c.y)

const denom = DD.determinant(ax, ay, bx, by).multiply(2)

const asqr = ax.sqr().add(ay.sqr())

const bsqr = bx.sqr().add(by.sqr())

const numx = DD.determinant(ay, asqr, by, bsqr)

const numy = DD.determinant(ax, asqr, bx, bsqr)

const ccx = DD.valueOf(c.x).subtract(numx.divide(denom)).doubleValue()

const ccy = DD.valueOf(c.y).add(numy.divide(denom)).doubleValue()

return new Coordinate(ccx, ccy)


static area3D(a, b, c) {

const ux = b.x - a.x

const uy = b.y - a.y

const uz = b.getZ() - a.getZ()

const vx = c.x - a.x

const vy = c.y - a.y

const vz = c.getZ() - a.getZ()

const crossx = uy vz - uz vy

const crossy = uz vx - ux vz

const crossz = ux vy - uy vx

const absSq = crossx crossx + crossy crossy + crossz * crossz

const area3D = Math.sqrt(absSq) / 2

return area3D


static centroid(a, b, c) {

const x = (a.x + b.x + c.x) / 3

const y = (a.y + b.y + c.y) / 3

return new Coordinate(x, y)


interpolateZ(p) {

if (p === null) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Supplied point is null.')

return Triangle.interpolateZ(p, this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


longestSideLength() {

return Triangle.longestSideLength(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


isAcute() {

return Triangle.isAcute(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


circumcentre() {

return Triangle.circumcentre(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


inCentre() {

return Triangle.inCentre(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


area() {

return Triangle.area(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


signedArea() {

return Triangle.signedArea(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


area3D() {

return Triangle.area3D(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)


centroid() {

return Triangle.centroid(this.p0, this.p1, this.p2)



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