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  • cedarcantab

Extending Box2D-Lite in Javascript: World Class

The properties / members and the key methods associated with the world class of Box2D is shown below. This is by no means a complete list - not by a long way!


  1. very beginning

// If new fixtures were added, we need to find the new contacts.

if (m_newContacts)



m_newContacts = false;


2.// Update contacts. This is where some contacts are destroyed.


b2Timer timer;


m_profile.collide = timer.GetMilliseconds();


3.// Integrate velocities, solve velocity constraints, and integrate positions.

if (m_stepComplete && step.dt > 0.0f)


b2Timer timer;


m_profile.solve = timer.GetMilliseconds();


4.if (m_clearForces)





// Find islands, integrate and solve constraints, solve position constraints

  1. loop through contact / joint graph and rebuild island

  2. call island.solve

  3. for all bodies, synchornize fixtures

  4. m_contactManager.FindNewContacts(); // Look for new contacts.

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