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  • cedarcantab

Extending Box2D-Lite in Javascript: Collision Detection

b2ContactManager.Collide() // This is the top level collision call for the time step. Here

// all the narrow phase collision is processed for the world

// contact list.

if overlap is deemed to persist by the broadphase, then b2Contact.Update is called. --> Evaluate(&m_manifold, xfA, xfB); and warm starting type stuff is carried out here.

if a new AABB overlaps is identified, b2ContactManager.AddPair is called, which in turn after a various checking

// Call the factory.

b2Contact* c = b2Contact::Create(fixtureA, indexA, fixtureB, indexB, m_allocator);

if (c == nullptr)




b2Contact is a class that calls the collision detection method relevant to the particular pair of fixtures. For polygon vs polygon,


which eventually calls

void b2PolygonContact::Evaluate(b2Manifold* manifold, const b2Transform& xfA, const b2Transform& xfB)


b2CollidePolygons( manifold, (b2PolygonShape*)m_fixtureA->GetShape(), xfA (b2PolygonShape*)m_fixtureB->GetShape(), xfB);


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